Evolution – bottom line:

Ps 19; 33; 104; 148; Is 45; Neh 5:9+; 9:5+; Mk 13:19; Acts 14:15+; 17:24-28; Roms 4:17+; Col 1:16; Rev 4:11+; 5: 4,13; 10:5+; 14:6+; Gen 1:1 (says it all) God’s plan/design was & remains as follows: Creation (Genesis) — not                        continuous; finished    … Continue reading Evolution – bottom line:

God’s love gift of PRAYER

God’s love gift of PRAYER – Acts 9:11b; II Chron 30:27 – prayer is that supernaturally created mysterious vehicle our loving Father created to enable us as His beloved children to commune with Him in this life anytime, anyplace, in any & all situations & circumstances of daily living (Ps 118:24; 23; 27; 33; 65-67; 100; 103;… Continue reading God’s love gift of PRAYER

“…overwhelmingly more than conquerors…” – Roms 8(all)

Here is God’s immutable explanation & promise (Roms 8:1; II Cor 1:20-21) of His Sovereign enabling, sustaining grace (II Ptr 1:1-4) equipping us as His beloved children to be “overwhelmingly…….more than conquerors” in daily kingdom service as the beloved of our Father Ephs 1:3-6,7-14; I Ptr 1:3-5,6a; II Ptr 1:1-4*** Ps 138:8(all):   “8 The LORD (Ps 136; 57:2; Jer 29:11-13,4-7,8-9; Phil 1:3-6; Col 2:9-15;… Continue reading “…overwhelmingly more than conquerors…” – Roms 8(all)

Holiness vs Unholiness – the defining difference

What is the singular, immutable, defining, distinguishingly different characteristic of God’s Sovereign, uncreated, always existent sinless holiness vs, apart from His electing, grace, the immutable, unholy, damning sinfulness of every son of Adam – man (Roms 8:6-8; 3:23)? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Numbers 23:19:  19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent;… Continue reading Holiness vs Unholiness – the defining difference

Signs, Wonders, Miracles, & Gifts – their Biblical purpose?

God’s purpose for “signs, wonders, miracles, &  gifts”, as revealed by the Holy Spirit thru His inspired Word – Jn 8:32(Is 55:8,9-11; 42:5-8; Ps 19.7-11; 119; Pro 30: 5-6; II Tim 3:16-17; II Ptr 1:16-18,19-21; Rev 22:18-19***: Note (Hebs 2:3-4) that message (spoken Word) was not abt “miracles”, “signs & wonders” or “gifts”. The message, declared… Continue reading Signs, Wonders, Miracles, & Gifts – their Biblical purpose?

The Christian & Government

The Christian & the gov’t:   God’s priorities for us as His beloved children as relates to how to view & respond to the social/political unrest & corruption on the present world stage – Ps 19:7-11; 37:1-2; 101:3; I Chron 12:32; Is 55:8; 66:2; Roms 16:19; Ephs 5:12; Phil 4:6-7,8; Col 3:1-3: “Set your minds on… Continue reading The Christian & Government

A Duty of Biblical Parenting –

Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21 Ephesians 6:4 says “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” NAS  The word translated “discipline” in the NAS is also translated “discipline” in the ESV, while in the KJV it is translated “nurture,” all coming from the same… Continue reading A Duty of Biblical Parenting –