Excuse? No man has one: I recently received the following inquiry from a young friend. “Hey! I had a question regarding predestination and salvation. Does god not choose certain people to be saved because he can foresee the those given people will reject him? Such as native Indians 1000 years ago that for generations had no… Continue reading EXCUSE? No Person Has One
Month: July 2023
Satan, the Impotent Liar
Satan, the impotent liar – Jn 8:44(43-45); Hebs 2:14; Jn 10:28-29,30*; Roms 8; I Ptr 5:8; II Ptr 1:1-2,3-4: *Jn 10:28-29,30: I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29 “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one… Continue reading Satan, the Impotent Liar
Thinking As An Heir of the Kingdom of God
Thinking As An Heir of the Kingdom of God Is your thinking “earth bound” or is it “heaven bound”? By “bound” I mean is your thinking informed and shaped by this worlds thinking or is your thinking informed and shaped by the authoritative mind of God as revealed in His word – Psalm 19:7-11; II… Continue reading Thinking As An Heir of the Kingdom of God
Immutable Evidence – February 2023
The Power of a 7.8 Magnitude Quake – Antakya, Turkey – 2/16/23: itv NEWS: Turkey-Syria earthquake ripped huge chasm in what was once an olive field near Antakya (the New Testament city of Antioch), Turkey 16 February 2023 – in two minutes. Our Father saw fit, in His providential order, to literally expose, in this single,… Continue reading Immutable Evidence – February 2023