EXCUSE? No Person Has One

Excuse?  No man has one: I recently received the following inquiry from a young friend. “Hey! I had a question regarding predestination and salvation. Does god not choose certain people to be saved because he can foresee the those given people will reject him? Such as native Indians 1000 years ago that for generations had no… Continue reading EXCUSE? No Person Has One

Satan, the Impotent Liar

Satan, the impotent liar – Jn 8:44(43-45); Hebs 2:14; Jn 10:28-29,30*; Roms 8; I Ptr 5:8; II Ptr 1:1-2,3-4: *Jn 10:28-29,30:  I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29 “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one… Continue reading Satan, the Impotent Liar