Infinite, Irrevocable Love

Psalm 118 – the fullness of the love of God for His elect children, Israel & the bride of Christ, the Church: Notice, in v24 of Ps 118, this is past tense – “has made”.   In the beginning God created the full compliment of the days of human history, deposited them in time future, putting… Continue reading Infinite, Irrevocable Love

Wisdom For Living

WISDOM FOR LIVING AS GOD INTENDS Guard Your Heart (Pro. 4:23; 1 Tim. 6:20; 2 Tim. 1:14; 2 Peter 3:17; Phil. 4:6-7). It is the center of thinking and decision-making that leads to the way we live. • Ears (things we hear) Pro. 4:20 Discipline Your Mind to Dwell on … Phil. 4:8 Do Not… Continue reading Wisdom For Living