Are you a Biblical Berean?

To be a Berean – Acts 17:11: As a Christian you will never be a Berean apart from obeying II Timothy 2:15 in relation to being conformed & confirmed in your thinking to these truths of God’s Holy word – Psalm 19:7-11; 119:97-105(all); Isaiah 44:6; 55:8,9-11; 40:5-8; 41:9-10; 42:5-8; 45:5-7, 23-24; 46:8- 10; 48:10-11; 66:1-2;… Continue reading Are you a Biblical Berean?

The Source of Your Knowledge?

What/Who Is the Source of Your Knowledge? Significant to determining the answer to the title question is the honest consideration of two points.   In Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary knowledge is defined as: 3. Skill; as a knowledge of seamanship 4. Acquaintance with any fact or person.  I have no knowledge of the man or… Continue reading The Source of Your Knowledge?

Be Glad In Our Lord!

Be “glad”in our Lord (“Be” indicates a willful act; a grateful, joyful daily act of loving obedience) – Ps 118:24: The majesty & glory of Yahweh – Ps 29*-31* Ps 4:7: 7 You have put gladness in my heart, more than when their grain and new wine abound.  Don’t miss the glory of the “past tense” nature of God’s loving… Continue reading Be Glad In Our Lord!

Psalm 37:1-7: Commands – 10 in 7 verses

Ps 37:1-7 – 10 commands in these 7 verses: ***Pro 24:19(same as v1 in this Ps 37)*** 10 commands in vv1-7: 1/v1)do not fret over evil doers 2/v1)be not envious of wrong doers 3/v3)trust in the Lord 4/v3)do good (Js 1:21-25) 5/v3)dwell in the land (be content where God has placed you-Phil 4:6-7,11) 6/v3)cultivate faithfulness  (God’s faithfulness/#3; 2… Continue reading Psalm 37:1-7: Commands – 10 in 7 verses

The Brain vs The Mind

The Brain vs The Mind In The Loss of Memory/Processing Abilities The intent of this article is to expose in the light of God’s holy word a very present example of Satan’s false system of incessant lies related to the relationship, if any, between the brain and the mind and what it reveals about memory… Continue reading The Brain vs The Mind