God’s Order of the Relationship Between Thoughts and Emotions Based on Biblical Principles
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God’s Order of the Relationship Between Thoughts and Emotions
Based on Biblical Principles
In this study “thoughts” will always have to do with thinking or decision making and the actions or conduct produced by that thinking/decision making. Emotions will always have to do with feelings. Additionally, it is key to a right understanding of this study to recognize that all of the principles addressed herein are applicable to only those who are true believers in and followers of Jesus Christ. Those who are not have no ability to spiritually comprehend or practice these principles according to God’s word.
From a letter to Sally Jones from Thomas Charles (11/18/1780) in his attempt to win her hand in marriage (which he did in 1783). Charles was the leader of the WCM secession from the Church of England (Welsh Calvinistic Methodist) and played a key role in the development of the Sunday School movement in Wales.
“And I am still more satisfied that this regard (he speaks of his love for her) is not so much from blind passion as from clear conviction. Passions are unsteady things: they are no sooner excited but they subside again and cannot be depended upon, but what proceeds from conviction is likely to be lasting. Passions are blind and dangerous leaders, but when they faithfully follow conviction they preserve their proper place and are not amiss ….”
Jonathan Edwards rightly distinguished the difference between “affections” and “emotions”. Edwards defined “affections” as “strong inclinations of the soul that are manifested in thinking, feeling, and acting.” He further clarified his definition by stating “The difference between affections and emotions are that “affections” are 1) long-lasting, 2) deep, 3) consistent with beliefs, 4) always result in action, and 5) involve mind, will, and feelings. “Emotions”, on the other hand, are 1) fleeting, 2) superficial, 3) sometimes overpowering, 4) often unable to produce action, and 5) often disconnected from mind and will.”
As our Lord admonished His disciples on numerous occasions, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”- Matthew 11:15; Mark 4:9,23; 7:16; Luke 8:11; 14:35.
Romans 8:6-8 establishes the fact that “the mind set on the flesh is death…..is hostile toward God…..does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so.”; I Corinthians 2:14 further establishes this fact when Paul writes that “…..a natural (meaning unbelieving/lost) man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.” Paul is not saying a “natural man” cannot intellectually comprehend what he reads in God’s word — he is saying a “natural man” will continuously and consistently refuse to embrace God’s truth, rejecting it, choosing to live according to his own sinful, self-loving, self-gratifying will. In other words, no matter how much scripture he may know and quote; no matter how active he is in “church” life; no matter how many mission trips he goes on; no matter how consistently and generously he gives of his money to the church — the testimony of his daily life is one of love for self and selfs will as opposed to a clear, evident consistent life of loving, faithful, obedient surrender of his will to God’s will — I John 2:4 says “The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him…..”. All of this is to say that a lost, unbelieving individual can intellectually and morally comprehend the truth concerning the Biblical, God created relationship between thoughts and emotion, and can, to a degree, make some application of such in his life, but he will never know the joy of eternal salvation, that joy that results from a grateful, loving, faithful, obedience of God’s holy will, living life in a continuous diligent pursuit of righteousness, motivated by an ever increasing love for and devotion to our Holy Triune God and Father – John 1:9-13; 6:44,65; Acts 4:12 (Ephesians 1:3-6,7-14); 17:29; Romans 8:16-21.
Every principle in the following study focuses entirely on the centrality of the importance of how we think, not how we feel. There is not the first instruction or command pertaining to feelings (emotions) anywhere in God’s word. Let me be quick to say that this does not mean human emotions are bad or should be denied or suppressed, nor that they are never referred to in scripture, but is to call attention to the fact that in the economy of God, emotions are never the issue as relates to living a life of faithful obedience in His holy kingdom service. Central in every command of God to His chosen ones is the necessity of learning to discipline ones mind to think righteously, continually. In fact, it is this diligent pursuit of right thinking, as informed and enabled by the Holy Spirit through the faithful study of God’s word, that every believer comes to know the joy and blessing of true spiritual growth and maturity in Christ. If you would grow spiritually, maturing throughout your life, then discipline yourself to learn to conform your thinking to the truth of God’s holy word — moment by moment, day by day of His blessed gift of eternal life in His holy kingdom service now and for eternity.
The following scripture passages testify, first of all, to the necessity of salvation if one is to learn to think critically (Acts 17:11) with ever growing discernment (the ability to rightly apply Biblical principles in daily decision making and evaluating of life situations). Secondly, they testify to the necessity of an ongoing, thoughtful, meditative, loving study of God’s word for the primary purpose of 1) knowing Him, 2) discerning His holy will for daily kingdom service, and then 3) obediently living it out each fresh new day of His precious gift of eternal life, here on this beautiful earth and ultimately for all eternity in His uncreated, always existent sinless holy heaven (I Thessalonians 1:9-10).
Genesis 4:5-7; Proverbs 14:30; Isaiah 55:6-8; Romans 8:1-2,3-8,28-30; I Corinthians 13:4-8a; Romans 6:12-14; II Timothy 3:14-15,16-17; 2:15; Romans 12:1-2; II Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 4-5:16; 6:10-20; Philippians 4:4-7,8-9,10-13; II Peter 1:1-4,5-7,8-11; Matthew 6:33-34; Hebrews 11:1,6,39-40
Conduct or behavior, whether of the mind (thoughts/ thinking) and/or the body (thoughts, judgements, attitudes, decisions in the mind carried out in externally visible, measurable physical behavior) that is based on or results from criteria (knowledge/ information) that is not Biblically based (thus being true and accurate) will always produce unpleasant, disconcerting emotions (feelings).1 Emotions(feelings)are organic bodily responses that are largely involuntary and are triggered by thoughts/attitudes & conduct/behavior.2
Certain conduct (thoughts actions) produces certain chemical bodily reactions which in turn result in certain feelings. Herein is the basis of the flawed reasoning/diagnosis of the God & sin rejecting, humanistic (atheistic) world of modern psychology, education, and medicine. The ever-present, all encompassing “chemical imbalance”, totally subjective (based on no empirical, measurable evidence) diagnosis, made by doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists and conveniently validated by pseudo experts in the humanistic education system of the land, that attributes certain behaviors or conditions to a “chemical imbalance”, is a diagnosis based on complete ignorance &/or rejection of the fact that certain thoughts and their corresponding physical external manifestations (actions/conduct) do indeed produce chemical reactions in the brain but, of immeasurable eternal significance, is the overriding fact that it is the sinful mind and heart of man, not the chemical imbalance, that produces said thoughts and behavior (conduct) which in turn produces the chemical reaction that creates the feelings associated with/produced by the thinking and behavior of the individual. 3
There are two basic categories of emotions –positive and negative.
Sinful conduct (whether of the thoughts or thoughts & conduct) always produces unpleasant, negative emotional experiences. Thus, the remedy for unpleasant, negative emotional experiences is not to change the emotions (feelings) or circumstances, but change the thoughts which produce the feelings and the conduct/ behavior. Conduct/behavior always begins in the mind (thinking/thoughts) and then is manifested in conduct (external action) that is always the producer of whatever feeling (emotions) are being experienced, be they negative or, due to righteous thinking and conduct, positive.4 Changing sinful conduct (behavior) necessitates genuine repentance of the sinful thinking behind the sinful conduct. It is genuine repentance and rejection of the sinful thought pattern in accord with the sincere embracing of God’s righteous thought pattern that alone will produce a new pattern of righteous conduct/behavior. Genuine repentance occurs when 1) the unbelieving individual recognizes his sin is sin against God, that it is separating him from God, and that he is destined for eternal damnation apart from, by God’s grace, repenting and surrender-ing his will to God’s to gratefully, lovingly serve Him forever, or, 2) a believer, recognizing his sin has broken his fellowship with God, gratefully, sincerely repents and continues to live in faithful obedience. In either instance, repentance is necessary.5 The problem is never the feelings. The problem is always the thoughts and the behavior that is produced by those thoughts.
The changing of any/all known thinking/behavior that is sinful is always brought about as the result of the determination, by the individual believer, to willfully, obediently, faithfully turn from said behavior (obedience) to go forth committed afresh and anew to Christ and His Lordship as evidenced by a consistent, diligent pursuit of righteous daily living.6
II Peter 1:1-4,5-7,8-11; Genesis 4:5-7; Proverbs 3:4-6; 23:7; Jude 9-13
Christian Counselors Manual, Jay Adams, P110; Philippians 4:4-7, 8-9,10-13;
II Corinthians 10:3-5 3. Genesis 4:5-7; Proverbs 14:30 4. Genesis 4:5-7; Proverbs 23:7; 27:19; Jude 9-13 5. I Thessalonians 1:9-10; II Corinthians 7:10; 5:17; I John 2:4,15-17; II Corinthians
4:7-11 (vv10-11) 6. Acts 26:20; II Corinthians 4:7-11; 7:10; Matthew 6:33-34; Philippians 4:4-13;
II Corinthians 10:3-5; Romans 6:12-14; 7:12-25; Ephesians 4; Romans 8; I John 1:9
God’s Order of the Relationship Between Thoughts and Emotions
Based on Biblical Principles
In this study “thoughts” will always have to do with thinking or decision making and the actions or conduct produced by that thinking/decision making. Emotions will always have to do with feelings. Additionally, it is key to a right understanding of this study to recognize that all of the principles addressed herein are applicable to only those who are true believers in and followers of Jesus Christ. Those who are not have no ability to spiritually comprehend or practice these principles according to God’s word.
From a letter to Sally Jones from Thomas Charles (11/18/1780) in his attempt to win her hand in marriage (which he did in 1783). Charles was the leader of the WCM secession from the Church of England (Welsh Calvinistic Methodist) and played a key role in the development of the Sunday School movement in Wales.
“And I am still more satisfied that this regard (he speaks of his love for her) is not so much from blind passion as from clear conviction. Passions are unsteady things: they are no sooner excited but they subside again and cannot be depended upon, but what proceeds from conviction is likely to be lasting. Passions are blind and dangerous leaders, but when they faithfully follow conviction they preserve their proper place and are not amiss ….”
Jonathan Edwards rightly distinguished the difference between “affections” and “emotions”. Edwards defined “affections” as “strong inclinations of the soul that are manifested in thinking, feeling, and acting.” He further clarified his definition by stating “The difference between affections and emotions are that “affections” are 1) long-lasting, 2) deep, 3) consistent with beliefs, 4) always result in action, and 5) involve mind, will, and feelings. “Emotions”, on the other hand, are 1) fleeting, 2) superficial, 3) sometimes overpowering, 4) often unable to produce action, and 5) often disconnected from mind and will.”
As our Lord admonished His disciples on numerous occasions, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”- Matthew 11:15; Mark 4:9,23; 7:16; Luke 8:11; 14:35.
Romans 8:6-8 establishes the fact that “the mind set on the flesh is death…..is hostile toward God…..does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so.”; I Corinthians 2:14 further establishes this fact when Paul writes that “…..a natural (meaning unbelieving/lost) man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.” Paul is not saying a “natural man” cannot intellectually comprehend what he reads in God’s word — he is saying a “natural man” will continuously and consistently refuse to embrace God’s truth, rejecting it, choosing to live according to his own sinful, self-loving, self-gratifying will. In other words, no matter how much scripture he may know and quote; no matter how active he is in “church” life; no matter how many mission trips he goes on; no matter how consistently and generously he gives of his money to the church — the testimony of his daily life is one of love for self and selfs will as opposed to a clear, evident consistent life of loving, faithful, obedient surrender of his will to God’s will — I John 2:4 says “The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him…..”. All of this is to say that a lost, unbelieving individual can intellectually and morally comprehend the truth concerning the Biblical, God created relationship between thoughts and emotion, and can, to a degree, make some application of such in his life, but he will never know the joy of eternal salvation, that joy that results from a grateful, loving, faithful, obedience of God’s holy will, living life in a continuous diligent pursuit of righteousness, motivated by an ever increasing love for and devotion to our Holy Triune God and Father – John 1:9-13; 6:44,65; Acts 4:12 (Ephesians 1:3-6,7-14); 17:29; Romans 8:16-21.
Every principle in the following study focuses entirely on the centrality of the importance of how we think, not how we feel. There is not the first instruction or command pertaining to feelings (emotions) anywhere in God’s word. Let me be quick to say that this does not mean human emotions are bad or should be denied or suppressed, nor that they are never referred to in scripture, but is to call attention to the fact that in the economy of God, emotions are never the issue as relates to living a life of faithful obedience in His holy kingdom service. Central in every command of God to His chosen ones is the necessity of learning to discipline ones mind to think righteously, continually. In fact, it is this diligent pursuit of right thinking, as informed and enabled by the Holy Spirit through the faithful study of God’s word, that every believer comes to know the joy and blessing of true spiritual growth and maturity in Christ. If you would grow spiritually, maturing throughout your life, then discipline yourself to learn to conform your thinking to the truth of God’s holy word — moment by moment, day by day of His blessed gift of eternal life in His holy kingdom service now and for eternity.
The following scripture passages testify, first of all, to the necessity of salvation if one is to learn to think critically (Acts 17:11) with ever growing discernment (the ability to rightly apply Biblical principles in daily decision making and evaluating of life situations). Secondly, they testify to the necessity of an ongoing, thoughtful, meditative, loving study of God’s word for the primary purpose of 1) knowing Him, 2) discerning His holy will for daily kingdom service, and then 3) obediently living it out each fresh new day of His precious gift of eternal life, here on this beautiful earth and ultimately for all eternity in His uncreated, always existent sinless holy heaven (I Thessalonians 1:9-10).
Genesis 4:5-7; Proverbs 14:30; Isaiah 55:6-8; Romans 8:1-2,3-8,28-30; I Corinthians 13:4-8a; Romans 6:12-14; II Timothy 3:14-15,16-17; 2:15; Romans 12:1-2; II Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 4-5:16; 6:10-20; Philippians 4:4-7,8-9,10-13; II Peter 1:1-4,5-7,8-11; Matthew 6:33-34; Hebrews 11:1,6,39-40
Conduct or behavior, whether of the mind (thoughts/ thinking) and/or the body (thoughts, judgements, attitudes, decisions in the mind carried out in externally visible, measurable physical behavior) that is based on or results from criteria (knowledge/ information) that is not Biblically based (thus being true and accurate) will always produce unpleasant, disconcerting emotions (feelings).1 Emotions(feelings)are organic bodily responses that are largely involuntary and are triggered by thoughts/attitudes & conduct/behavior.2
Certain conduct (thoughts actions) produces certain chemical bodily reactions which in turn result in certain feelings. Herein is the basis of the flawed reasoning/diagnosis of the God & sin rejecting, humanistic (atheistic) world of modern psychology, education, and medicine. The ever-present, all encompassing “chemical imbalance”, totally subjective (based on no empirical, measurable evidence) diagnosis, made by doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists and conveniently validated by pseudo experts in the humanistic education system of the land, that attributes certain behaviors or conditions to a “chemical imbalance”, is a diagnosis based on complete ignorance &/or rejection of the fact that certain thoughts and their corresponding physical external manifestations (actions/conduct) do indeed produce chemical reactions in the brain but, of immeasurable eternal significance, is the overriding fact that it is the sinful mind and heart of man, not the chemical imbalance, that produces said thoughts and behavior (conduct) which in turn produces the chemical reaction that creates the feelings associated with/produced by the thinking and behavior of the individual. 3
There are two basic categories of emotions –positive and negative.
Sinful conduct (whether of the thoughts or thoughts & conduct) always produces unpleasant, negative emotional experiences. Thus, the remedy for unpleasant, negative emotional experiences is not to change the emotions (feelings) or circumstances, but change the thoughts which produce the feelings and the conduct/ behavior. Conduct/behavior always begins in the mind (thinking/thoughts) and then is manifested in conduct (external action) that is always the producer of whatever feeling (emotions) are being experienced, be they negative or, due to righteous thinking and conduct, positive.4 Changing sinful conduct (behavior) necessitates genuine repentance of the sinful thinking behind the sinful conduct. It is genuine repentance and rejection of the sinful thought pattern in accord with the sincere embracing of God’s righteous thought pattern that alone will produce a new pattern of righteous conduct/behavior. Genuine repentance occurs when 1) the unbelieving individual recognizes his sin is sin against God, that it is separating him from God, and that he is destined for eternal damnation apart from, by God’s grace, repenting and surrender-ing his will to God’s to gratefully, lovingly serve Him forever, or, 2) a believer, recognizing his sin has broken his fellowship with God, gratefully, sincerely repents and continues to live in faithful obedience. In either instance, repentance is necessary.5 The problem is never the feelings. The problem is always the thoughts and the behavior that is produced by those thoughts.
The changing of any/all known thinking/behavior that is sinful is always brought about as the result of the determination, by the individual believer, to willfully, obediently, faithfully turn from said behavior (obedience) to go forth committed afresh and anew to Christ and His Lordship as evidenced by a consistent, diligent pursuit of righteous daily living.6
II Peter 1:1-4,5-7,8-11; Genesis 4:5-7; Proverbs 3:4-6; 23:7; Jude 9-13
Christian Counselors Manual, Jay Adams, P110; Philippians 4:4-7, 8-9,10-13;
II Corinthians 10:3-5 3. Genesis 4:5-7; Proverbs 14:30 4. Genesis 4:5-7; Proverbs 23:7; 27:19; Jude 9-13 5. I Thessalonians 1:9-10; II Corinthians 7:10; 5:17; I John 2:4,15-17; II Corinthians
4:7-11 (vv10-11) 6. Acts 26:20; II Corinthians 4:7-11; 7:10; Matthew 6:33-34; Philippians 4:4-13;
II Corinthians 10:3-5; Romans 6:12-14; 7:12-25; Ephesians 4; Romans 8; I John 1:9