Signs of the times – natural disasters increasing: 9/8/2023 – Mt 24:7(5,6-8,12); Lk 21:11; Rev 6:12; 11:13; 18:8 “Powerful earthquake strikes Morocco, killing more than 1,000 and damaging historic Marrakech”, September 4, 2023 (As of 9/13/23, the death toll is nearing 3,000) This situation in Morocco is a very recent (9/4/23) manifestation of the escalating world-wide (first… Continue reading Natural Disasters – a sure sign of the times
Month: September 2023
Climate Change – Fact/Fiction ?
The hoax known as “Climate Change, Global Warming, Green Energy”: “Climate Change” – the Satan inspired, non-existent “theory” conceived by reprobate, irrational, God hating hearts & minds, the real purpose of which is to attempt to control & stop population growth the world over based on the erroneous belief that human beings are the cause… Continue reading Climate Change – Fact/Fiction ?
Providential Sovereignty – Two practical examples
God’s Sovereignty (meaning His uncreated, always existent, immutable, irrevocable Creator/Sustainer control of His entire universe, every person, & every occurrence therein) from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21; Genesis 1:1-2:4. The following are two, very practical, indisputable examples of His glorious, providential Sovereignty in the practical living of life day by new day: Example 1: On Saturday,… Continue reading Providential Sovereignty – Two practical examples
The Times – Sovereignly Ordained; Sovereignly Controlled
The Signs of the Times, Sovereignly, Providentially Ordered and Controlled: Proverbs 16:1,9,4: “1 The plans of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the LORD…..9 The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps…..4 The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, Even the wicked for the day… Continue reading The Times – Sovereignly Ordained; Sovereignly Controlled