Climate Change – Fact/Fiction ?

The hoax known as “Climate Change, Global Warming, Green Energy”:

“Climate Change” – the Satan inspired, non-existent “theory” conceived by reprobate, irrational, God hating hearts & minds, the real purpose of which is to attempt to control & stop population growth the world over based on the erroneous belief that human beings are the cause of these “theoretical” problems – Roms 8:7(6-8); 3:10-18; 1:18:

Psalm 104:5:  5 He established (Gen 1:1-2:4) the earth upon its foundations, so that it will not totter forever and ever.

This one verse from our Sovereign Father’s infallible Holy word totally dismantles the entire Satanic deception of his “climate change, global warming, green energy” fear driven lies.  As is his consistent way, from the Garden with Eve & Adam (Gen 3:1-6), continuing to this day (I Ptr 5:8) & until his final destruction (Rev 20:10,11-15), Satan always incorporates in his lies, some bit of an element of God’s truth in a way that enables him to perpetuate his lies.  “Climate Change”, “Global Warming”, “Green Energy” are no exceptions.  The only fragment of truth in these incessant lies is the fact that, not only this earth, but the entire universe is going to be destroyed.  However, the manner in which & the timing thereof will be as revealed in Scripture (II Ptr 3:7,10*; Rev 19-20; 21:1*), by the Sovereign, predestined, providential Word & power of our God, not by any human cause.

*II Ptr 3:7,10:  7 But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men………….10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up

*Rev 21:1:  1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.

This climate change hoax (lie) is driven by one of Satan’s major ploys (“a clever often underhanded means to achieve an end”; Webster’s 2023 dictionary) – fear.  In this case, for the unbelieving population of this fallen, sinful world, the fear of soon coming impending doom if the climate isn’t “brought under control”.   

                       Rev 20:15; 21-22


The following is excerpted from a typical “fear” based, scientifically fact-less article propagating the “climate change”, “global warming”, “green energy” lie to the deceived lost of America & the world – Col 2:8; Pro 3:1- 6; Jn 8:43-45:

“The world has just experienced the hottest summer on record by a significant margin”

It is a huge “leap” to state that the summer of 2023 was the hottest “on record” when records have only been kept for the past 80 years.  That leaves, in God’s created order, some 6-8,000 years unaccounted for.  The point of my comment here is not to emphasize the age of the earth but rather is to hopefully challenge believers to refuse to embrace this completely unbiblical, ungodly scheme of Satan to continue his incessant, lying, inherent hate driven war against God.


From an article by David Harsanyi, a senior editor at The Federalist – FACTS rather than “alarmists FICTION, entitled:



“Extreme heat kills more people in the United States than any other weather hazard,” is the first claim in this Washington Post piece warning about the deadly summer heat – and it is almost certainly false. Similar warnings about the deadly weather appear in virtually every mainstream media outlet.”  Opening paragraph.

First off, the only reason “extreme” temperature kills more people than other weather hazards is that deaths from weather have plummeted over the century – even as doomsday climate warnings about heat, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and droughts have spiked. All extreme weather accounts for only about 0.1 death for every 100,000 people in the United States each year. That is a massive drop from the time of your grandparents.

Nowhere in the piece, however, do the authors tell us exactly how many Americans have perished from the oppressive heat. Anyway, it’s around 700 people a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – if you liberally count heat as both the “underlying” and/or “contributing” causes. It is about 400 people when heat is the underlying cause.

And most of those deaths, despite the Post’s claim, are from the cold, which is far more lethal to humans today, as it has always been. I come to this information via another Washington Post piece that ran this very winter, which helpfully notes that for “every death linked to heat, nine are tied to cold.” That piece relies on a recent peer-reviewed Lancet study to make that claim. Another recent peer-reviewed study in The BMJ found that “cold weather is associated with nearly 20 times more deaths than hot weather.” Other studies have come to the same conclusion.

Even here we find promising news. Though the National Weather Service says the leading cause of weather deaths is heat, it also found that the average was only 103 deaths per year over the preceding decade. That’s hundreds of fewer deaths per year than the CDC reports – and hundreds fewer than die from, say, over-the-counter headache medicine overdoses.


Quotes from “Hot Talk, Cold Science” by 

S. Fred Singer, Copyright 2021, Third Edition

Quote from p103 in “Hot Talk, Cold Science”:

QUESTION: Are you saying that CO2 is not a pollutant and we should not be concerned about rising levels?

ANSWER: Correct. CO2 levels have been much higher than currently over the millennia. The Global Warming crowd has an agenda and the core of that is to reduce the population. They remain influenced by the Malthus theory and have been hell-bent on stopping population growth.

Over the past 100 million years, we have been in a decline in CO2 level dropping from 500 ppm to 200 ppm with an average of about 300 ppm. They refuse to address any of the historical evidence no less the cycle of life itself.

Humans exhale typically consists of 40,000 ppm to even 50,000 ppm of CO2. Should we be fined or extinguished because we are a major contributor to COs levels? Those who are demonizing CO2 as a “pollutant” fail to explain that in a room filled with people CO2 levels can commonly reach 2000 ppm with no apparent ill effects. Even the US Navy sets its limit for CO2 in submarines at 5000 ppm to avoid any measurable effect on sailors. NASA also sets similar limits for humans in spacecraft at the same basic level. So obviously, 300 ppm is not dangerous.

If you measure CO2 level where crops are growing or in a rain forest, they drop drastically because the plants suck it up for that is what they thrive on to live. If you want to lower CO2, then plant more crops and trees.

“In sum, despite all the hot talk—and outright duplicity—there is no “climate crisis” resulting from human activities and no such threat on the horizon.”

“Singer’s masterful analysis decisively shows that the pessimistic, and often alarming, global warming scenarios depicted in the media have no scientific basis.”


On pp 143-44: 

“Since the publication in 1798 of Thomas Robert Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population, some academics and others of note have expressed pessimism about the ability of mankind to feed and clothe its growing population.  Their argument is simply that population, if left unchecked by war, hunger, or disease will always tend to outrun the growth of production.  At first the availability of food was viewed as limiting the size of population.  When this fear proved to be unfounded, exhaustion of natural resources and environmental degradation were added.  The fact that such doomsday prophecies have proven false has not impaired the fervor of the Malthusians for coercive population control, nor shaken the faith of their followers.

Holding views largely opposite those of the Malthusians are the “Cornucopians,” policy experts (mostly economists) who see the world much differently and, I would say, more clearly.  Where the Malthusians look at population growth and see only more mouths to feed, Cornucopians see more brains to think and hands to work.  Population growth leads to more innovation, which leads to higher productivity, and more hands lead to more economic growth.  Economic growth in turn fuels the prosperity that instills many virtues, not least of which is a desire for a cleaner and healthier environment.  Julian Simon (1995), Peter Huber (1999), and Indur Goklany (2007) are three prominent Cornucopians .  (Simon passed away in 1998).

The debate over climate change can be understood as just one more clash between the Malthusians and the Cornucopians.  The same people who predicted gloom and doom in the 1960s and 1970s because of overpopulation, pesticides, and air and water pollution are now predicting a climate Armageddon, while those who (accurately) predicted growing global wealth and a cleaner environment are minimizing the possible risks associated with climate change.  Understanding the rise of the environment movement and some elementary economics sheds much needed light on the views and motivation of both sides.”


From Dr Singer’s conclusion:

(GHG’s – Green House Gases)

“It is easy to get lost in technical debates over the radiative properties of carbon dioxide (CO2), for example, and overlook truths that have a more significant bearing on the debate.  I suggest the reader pay attention to four essential truths revealed by the evidence presented previously:

  • The warming from 1910 to 1945 was real:  it is confirmed by thermometer records as well as proxy data, but it occurred before human greenhouse emissions could have caused it.  The warming that may have occurred from 1978 to 1997 is almost entirely fake, an instrumental artifact found only in one heavily manipulated and unreliable database of surface observations.
  • Since 2000, there has been little if any warming attributable to GHG’s, a “pause” that is now approaching twenty years.  (El Nino events in 1997-98 and 2016-2017 cannot be explained by CO2 concentrations).  This means none of the extreme weather, floods, hurricanes, etc. that are so often attributed to “global warming” by the popular press and some prominent scientists could have been triggered by our GHG emissions.  It’s all fake news.
  • GCM’s fail to accurately replicate global temperatures since 1979 (when accurate satellite data became available); they “run hot”, meaning they forecast more warming than has occurred in the past or will happen n the future.  They are therefore invalidated by observations, making the unsuited for use Jn policy making.
  • The most reliable data on sea level show a steady linear rise of about 18cm (about 7 inches) per century and no acceleration in the past century.  The historical record shows the rate of sea level rise did not increase during the warming of 1910-45, demonstrating that the rate of sea level rise does not depend on air or sea-surface temperature.  Therefore, predictions of increased coastal flooding or “disappearing islands” are not based on science, but instead are intended to frighten the public into supporting someone’s political agenda.

Hear the Word of our Lord & rest in His daily peace:

Psalm 104:5:  He established (Gen 1:1-2:4) the earth upon its foundations, so that it will not totter forever and ever.