Satan’s Insidious War Against God via Evolution

Evolutions insidious distorted, Satan inspired, lying assault on the Biblical truth & reality of God creating man, & man alone, in His Holy image – Genesis 1:26-31; Ps 19:7-11; 103-04; 119; II Tim 3:16-17; II Ptr 1:16-18,19-21; Ps 32:9; Jude 1:10: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is four examples of Satan’s unceasing hatred of & war against… Continue reading Satan’s Insidious War Against God via Evolution

Divine Intervention – a questionable concept

Over the years, having read various Charismatic authors and listened to a wide variety of Charismatic as well as evangelical preachers and teachers, the wide-spread use of the phrase “Divine intervention”  always had a “noisy gong, clanging cymbal” (I Corinthians 13:1) sound to me.  The reason it did I believe is made evident by Paul’s… Continue reading Divine Intervention – a questionable concept