Satan’s Insidious War Against God via Evolution

Evolutions insidious distorted, Satan inspired, lying assault on the Biblical truth & reality of God creating man, & man alone, in His Holy image – Genesis 1:26-31; Ps 19:7-11; 103-04; 119; II Tim 3:16-17; II Ptr 1:16-18,19-21; Ps 32:9; Jude 1:10:


The following is four examples of Satan’s unceasing hatred of & war against God & His holy word:

  1. This is blasphemous!  God, the sinless, Holy Creator of all created things, in this case, all animals (Genesis 1:20-25), including dogs, describes each & every animal He created as functioning “… instinct, like unreasoning animals,…..”(Jude 1:10).  Additionally, the Psalmist commands us as God’s children stating, “Do not be as the horse or as the mule which have no understanding, whose trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check,…..”(Ps 32:9).  

The insidious implications here are at least twofold – 1) that God’s Holy name is derived from the name “Dog” (“It’s no coincidence that ”God” is “Dog” backwards.”) & 2) that God has given some “uniquely special” worth or value to “dogs” by the spelling of His Holy name backwards to produce their species name.  This is so Satanically blasphemous it is finitely, humanly impossible to adequately express the extent of the evil, vileness it encompasses – Gen 1:1; 2:19***; Ps 19:1- 6,7-11; Roms 11:33-36; Is 44:6,24-28; 55:8, 9-11; 30:5-6; Job 37:2-13; 38-41; Ps 33; 103; 104; 145-50; 135:6; Is 46:8-10***



  1. This is Satan’s perverted, evolution driven, idolatrous, mystical (reincarnation) perversion of the human dignity, value, & worth possessed by every human being because of being singularly created by God in His image – Gen 1:26-32***


  1. This is an Arminian admixture bordering on heresy – Hebrews 11:1,6,39-40 (II Ptr 1:1-2, “have received”, v3, “given everything…..”); Ephs 2:8-10(Ephs 1:3-6, 7-14; Jn 3:1-8; 6:44, 65; Col 2:9-10):


  1. These images of three generations of Sears fashion catalogs reveal the reality of the moral deterioration of America as seen in womens fashions – from modest (1950’s) to sensual/seductive (1970’s) – Is 3:16-24; 33:14-16; Jer 4:30; I Tim 2:9-10; II Tim 3:1-7; II Thess 2:12: