Infinite, Irrevocable Love

Psalm 118 – the fullness of the love of God for His elect children, Israel & the bride of Christ, the Church:

Notice, in v24 of Ps 118, this is past tense – “has made”.  

In the beginning God created the full compliment of the days of human history, deposited them in time future, putting each new day in its perfect place in the sequential order of the full compliment of those days.  He has, from the beginning, Sovereignly superintended (Pro 16:1,9,4; 21:1), in His infinite patience, the forward progression of His Holy plan, in the fullness of time, one fresh new day at a time, moving us always closer to that designated time of our departure from this earthen vessel (Ps 139:16; Acts 17:26) either by way of natural physical death or by the glorious return of our precious Lord Jesus Christ (I Ptr 3,4-5,6a; Col 2:9-10; 1:22-23; Roms 4:2,3,22-25; I Cor 15:50-58; I Thess 4:13-18).  In either case the result will be the same – instant entrance into our Father’s Holy presence to, in sinless glorified perfection, dwell with Him in His Holy New Heaven and New Earth (I Cor 2:9) world of infinite love for all eternity – Rev 21-22.