Immutable Evidence – February 2023

The Power of a 7.8 Magnitude Quake – Antakya, Turkey – 2/16/23:

itv NEWS:

Turkey-Syria earthquake ripped huge chasm in what was once an olive field near Antakya (the New Testament city of Antioch), Turkey

16 February 2023 – in two minutes.

Our Father saw fit, in His providential order, to literally expose, in this single, brief event (2 minutes), the incessant evil of the evolutionary lie by showing the world just how quickly & lastingly He can providentially create “a new canyon” as well as every geological, topographical wonder in His beautiful world from the beginning (Gen 1:1-2:4).  And, because of the wickedness of man, He reshaped & restructured it with His world wide 40 day flood (Gen 6:17; 7:4/6-9) one example of which is the Grand Canyon – Job 37:2-13; 38-41; Roms 11:33-36; I Tim 4:4-5.

ITV News 2/16/2023:

As much as 100 yards wide & in spots, the depth of a 13 story building – all in 2 minutes.

Local citizens spoke of thinking their city, Antakya, was under military attack due to what sounded like explosions as the earth split open, fracturing & shifting huge masses of rock with cracking & popping sounds like weapons of war.  Young boys spoke of riding their motor bikes & playing in fields & olive groves that are no longer there.