EXCUSE? No Person Has One

Excuse?  No man has one:

I recently received the following inquiry from a young friend.

“Hey! I had a question regarding predestination and salvation. Does god not choose certain people to be saved because he can foresee the those given people will reject him? Such as native Indians 1000 years ago that for generations had no exposure to Christ? Or even the modern day atheist?”

God’s glorious, Holy, Sovereign authority & Word gives the answer to each of these inquiries – Ps 135:6:

“Good question – 1) Ephesians 1:3-6; John 6:44,65(I Jn 4:9-10) & 2) Romans 8:7; 1:18-20 (Ecclesiastes 3:11; Romans 2:14-16) answer your questions. 

Ephs 1:3-6 answers “why”, “when”, &  “who” God chose (see I Jn 4:9- 10 too)

Jn 6:44,65 clearly reveal “how” the chosen one comes to be saved

Romans 8:7 clearly reveals why no man is ever saved as the result of his own searching for God & by his free will, “choosing” Jesus.  No lost person is ever looking for God, contrary to the lie of those who teach that they are.  I Cor 2:14 makes it even clearer when it states “…..a natural man (meaning lost) does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.”

Romans 1:18-20 (v18) clearly reveals that all men know the truth of God being God, but out of their love of themselves & hatred of Him they willfully suppress that truth &

(vv19-20) clearly reveal that no man has an excuse & why they have no excuse – God made sure no man will ever have an excuse for rejecting Christ/God.  As for all the pagan tribal people of all of human history, if any of God’s elect children were or are among these tribal people, then He, from some source He ordains, has & will continue to cause them to hear the Gospel message of Christ’s sufficient sacrifice & draw them to Himself in His repenting, saving grace.

Romans 2:14-15 clearly reveals how God, in His mercy & grace, at conception, “writes” His moral law in the heart of every individual ever conceived in the course of human history which testified to the truth of Roms 1:18 – they know the truth but out of love of self & hatred of God they suppress it/Roms 3:18 (Jer 31:33; Ecc 3:11; Ezkl 11:19-21; 36:26,27).”