Ps 19; 33; 104; 148; Is 45; Neh 5:9+; 9:5+; Mk 13:19; Acts 14:15+; 17:24-28; Roms 4:17+; Col 1:16; Rev 4:11+; 5: 4,13; 10:5+; 14:6+; Gen 1:1 (says it all)
God’s plan/design was & remains as follows:
Creation (Genesis) — not
continuous; finished
(past) in 6 solar 24
hour days – scripture
ALWAYS speaks of
creation as a fixed,
absolute, past, finished
event/NEVER as an
ongoing, progressing
process (evolutions lie)
Conservation (Ex – Rev 20) —
Restoration (Rev 20-21) — to
almost Edenic
perfection in the
Millennial Kingdom –
Recreation (Rev 21-22) — the new
heaven & new earth
One Sovereign intelligence:
The earths revolution on it’s axis determines a day; the moons revolution around the earth determines a month; the earths revolution around the sun determines a year — ALL in God’s perfect order, day in & day out, in the fullness of time, in His Sovereign good & perfect Holy order thruout the continuum of human history exactly as He foreordained it to be, before time began.
The earth, 25,000 miles in circumference, spins on it’s axis, in perfect balance hanging in empty space, @ 1,000 mph as it travels in it’s God created & ordered orbit of 580,000,000 miles arnd the sun @ 1,000 mpm.
The human heart, abt the size of a fist, weighs less than half a pound, pumps around 1,800 gallons of blood a day & does enough work in 12 hours to lift 65 tons off the ground.
Blind devotion to chance (which is nonexistent) is an act of defiance against reason, revelation, & God.
Nobody times Nothing = Everything
Herein is the absurdity of evolution.
Evolution is a 20th-21st century sect that denies reason & revelation.
Christianity is the worship of the TRUE God in perfect accord WITH reason & revelation.
Jn 1:1-3; Roms 11:29+; Hebs 11:3
From CD #2 in Jn Mac’s “The Battle For the Beginning” 12 CD series.