God’s love gift of PRAYER – Acts 9:11b; II Chron 30:27 – prayer is that supernaturally created mysterious vehicle our loving Father created to enable us as His beloved children to commune with Him in this life anytime, anyplace, in any & all situations & circumstances of daily living (Ps 118:24; 23; 27; 33; 65-67; 100; 103; 104; 111; 145-50; Lam 3:32+; Dan 10: 12; Phil 4:4-5; I Thess 5:16) in His kingdom service here (Jer 29:4-7; Roms 12:1-2,9-13, 14-21; Col 3:17,23; I Thess 4:9-12) until He calls us home. (Ps 139:16(Acts 17:26); Deut 33:12; Is 52: 12; Ps 139:5; 91:7); 46:10(all); Jer 29:11-13,4-7,8-9 (II Tim 4:3-5; Ezkl 22:23-28); Roms 8:28 (all).