The Christian & the gov’t:
God’s priorities for us as His beloved children as relates to how to view & respond to the social/political unrest & corruption on the present world stage – Ps 19:7-11; 37:1-2; 101:3; I Chron 12:32; Is 55:8; 66:2; Roms 16:19; Ephs 5:12; Phil 4:6-7,8; Col 3:1-3:
“Set your minds on things above!” as addressed by Arthur Pink in “Look Upward”, 1947 (What would he say today – 12/12/19?) –
“Set your minds on things above! Many of God’s children are ensnared by Satan today, by getting them unduly concerned with what is happening in the world. He persuades them (Gen 3:1-6; Jn 8:43-45; II Cor 11:13-15/jgw) that it is their duty to be well informed upon current events–that it is necessary for them to “keep up with the times” and take an intelligent interest in what is occurring in different parts of the earth, and particularly with the political and social conditions in their own country. He would fix their minds on the sensational items recorded in the newspapers, devoting much time to reading and listening to the news of the day (Ps 101:3; Roms 16:19; II Cor 10:3-5; Ephs 5:12/jgw).
And what good is accomplished thereby? Your concern over the doings of the Kremlin, and your dismay at the successes of the Vatican, will not affect either of them one iota! No, but it will injuriously affect you–it will get you absorbed with carnal things, and take the edge off your appetite for spiritual things!
“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things – Colossians 3:1-2.”.
~ Arthur Pink “Look Upward” 1947
(All italicized words/phrases & parenthetical scripture references added by jgw)
How much time, in His teaching, did our Lord focus on the social/political corruptness of Rome &/or Israel in His three year Messianic teaching ministry?
In His three years of proclaiming the Sovereign, infallible, uncreated, always existent redeeming, sanctifying, glorifying Truth of His Holy Father, our Lord addressed one & only one principle related to His disciples & their attention to & involvement with the totally immoral, reprobate, corrupt government of Rome under which they lived. In Mt 22:15-22, Mk 12:13-17, & Lu 20:19-26 Jesus commanded the following – “….render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” In like manner, by the Holy Spirit’s inspiring enablement (Ps 19:7-11; 119; Is 55:8; Jn 17:17; II Tim 3:16-17; II Ptr 1:16-21), Paul, in Roms 13:7, gives the same command to the churches – “Render to all what is do them: tax to whom tax is due…..”.
Apart from this singular command, our Lord issued not even one additional word or command to His disciples concerning the governments of the world.
In John 18:36 our precious Sovereign Lord, in response to Pilates inquiry as to what crime He had committed, provides for all who have ears to hear, the answer to why the governments of the world & their ungodliness were never the focus of His teaching in the three years of His Messianic ministry – “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.” John 18:36.