Abortion rights – the demand of a heart of hatred: The real reason; the real, singular motivation for such evil demands is: “Roe reversal condemned by liberal opinion writers for taking ‘all pleasure out’ of ‘carefree sex’” “taking ‘all pleasure out’ of ‘carefree sex’” is nothing more than a subtly cloaked demand for the unrestrained freedom… Continue reading Abortion Rights – the demand of a heart of hatred
Ctrl + Alt + Del – and the point Is?
Seen on the wall behind the receptionists desk in a local Dr’s office. “Ctrl + Alt + Del – Control yourself, Alter your thoughts, Delete negativity” This “clever” little message exemplifies the multitude of subtle, clever ways Satan, thru language, strives to negate the reality of man’s sin by never calling it “sin” – Calling… Continue reading Ctrl + Alt + Del – and the point Is?
A True Work of the Holy Spirit
How can a true work of the Holy Spirit be distinguished from that which is false? From a careful study of 1 John 4, the great theologian and pastor Jonathan Edwards was able to identify five distinguishing characteristics of the Holy Spirit’s work. In short, a true work of the Holy Spirit: (1) Exalts the… Continue reading A True Work of the Holy Spirit
God’s Purpose of His Law
The Law of God & its purpose of/in the scheme of redemptive love: Roms. 3:19 “Now we know that whatever the Law says, it says to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God…..”. In v19, “those” refers to who? —… Continue reading God’s Purpose of His Law
The Biblical Role of Women in the Church
Woman’s role in the church: I Timothy 2:11-15 (v12) Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, very unambiguously disallows any woman exercising authority over any man in the formal operation of the NT church — “formal operation” meaning the sherperding, teaching, governing operation of the local church. Paul never disallows the ongoing ministry of Godly… Continue reading The Biblical Role of Women in the Church
Christian Psychology: a modern oxymoron
Christian Psychology: A Modern Oxymoron: (See AJC, 4/12/23 article at the end) No system can be Christian in the New Testament, new covenant, Biblical sense and be psychological in the modern, theoretical or practical sense. The ancient Greek definition of Psychology: a discourse or treatise on the human soul; or the doctrine of the nature and properties… Continue reading Christian Psychology: a modern oxymoron
The Truth About Psychology & Psychiatry
The Truth About Psychology and Psychiatry Genesis 1:1-2:4; Psalm 19:7-11; Proverbs 3:1-6; Isaiah 55:8,9-11,6-7; 66:1-2; John 1:1-17; 17:17; Colossians 2:8 ; II Timothy 3:16-17; Isaiah 46:8-10 I have chosen, for clarification in this study, to capitalize the word truth (“Truth”) anytime it refers to God’s Holy Word as opposed to not doing so (“truth”) when… Continue reading The Truth About Psychology & Psychiatry
Teaching vs Training of A Child
“Train up a child……” – what does it mean? Pro 22:6: Deut 11:18-21; Pro 20:27; Ephs 6:4; Col 3:17 Notice, Solomon, in the inspiration of our blessed Holy Spirit, said “Train”, not “teach”. Herein is a marvelous manifestation of our Father’s infinite, Sovereign, Omnisciently faithful provision of, by way of His Holy word, righteous, immutably wise… Continue reading Teaching vs Training of A Child
The Self Inflicted Demise of America
11/7/2022 – The demise of America – morally, politically, economically, as just one of a multitude of elements in God’s Sovereign, predestined, providential perfect plan revealed from Genesis thru Revelation (Gen 3:15; Ps 19:7-11; 119; Pro 21:1,30-31; II Tim 3:16-17; II Ptr 1:19-21), is being carried out on the stage of human history, for the securing of His… Continue reading The Self Inflicted Demise of America
Human Government – Savior or Satanic Deception
HUMAN GOVERNMENT is one of a multitude of false gods of Satan’s deceitful, unceasing war against God that is presently (10/20/2022) consuming “conservative” Americans (many of whom are professing believers) as they look to their threefold “savior” – 1) voting 2) a majority control of Congress & 3) Donald J. Trump in the presidency (Pro… Continue reading Human Government – Savior or Satanic Deception