Woman’s role in the church:
I Timothy 2:11-15 (v12)
Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, very unambiguously disallows any woman exercising authority over any man in the formal operation of the NT church — “formal operation” meaning the sherperding, teaching, governing operation of the local church. Paul never disallows the ongoing ministry of Godly women in the local church thru Christian service to the body of believers in multitudes of ways (teaching, discipling, counseling, hospitality, widows — service to men, women, youth & children) in multitudes of venues, except that of the formal operation of the church.
The testimony of this being God’s good & perfect order, in addition to Paul’s command, is seen in the fact that none of the 66 books of the Bible was written by a woman, there were no women apostles nor were there any women elders in the first century NT church. The NT identifies 2 unique roles of service in the church — deacon & deaconess. These are never referred to in scripture as “offices”, because they aren’t. The roles of deacon & deaconess, by virtue of their titles alone, are clearly sacred roles, established by God, whereby those filling these roles do render loving service & ministry to their brothers & sisters in the local church in which they all gather together to worship their glorious, worthy heavenly Father. The role of deacon & deaconess righteously fulfilled will serve as one of the most significant demonstrations of that unique bond of Christlike, servant, unconditional love & unity that should always characterize the true church — I John 4:7+; I Corinthians 13:4-7, 8a.
For any true believer, man or woman, to think &/or declare this good & perfect order of God (Is 55:8, 9-13; 66:1-2) for His church to somehow be chauvinistic or unfair or a manifestation of favoritism toward men is to call into question the sinless, holy, righteous, immutably pure character of God, as well as, by implication, declaring Him a liar (Num 23: 19; Pro 30:5-6; Is 66:1-2; Deut 10:17;16:19; Pro 24:23; James 2:9). ***John 17:17***