HUMAN GOVERNMENT is one of a multitude of false gods of Satan’s deceitful, unceasing war against God that is presently (10/20/2022) consuming “conservative” Americans (many of whom are professing believers) as they look to their threefold “savior” – 1) voting 2) a majority control of Congress & 3) Donald J. Trump in the presidency (Pro… Continue reading Human Government – a deceitful false “savior”
Month: April 2023
The Demise of America
11/7/2022 – The demise of America – morally, politically, economically, as just one of a multitude of elements in God’s Sovereign, predestined, providential perfect plan revealed from Genesis thru Revelation (Gen 3:15; Ps 19:7-11; 119; Pro 21:1,30-31; II Tim 3:16-17; II Ptr 1:19-21), is being carried out on the stage of human history, for the… Continue reading The Demise of America
An Example of False, Albeit Unintentional, but Nevertheless, Untrusting, Unbelieving Humility
As a nouthetic Biblical counselor I frequently have well-meaning, sincere professing believers, when asked why they aren’t obediently applying the principles of scripture that we have discussed, respond with “Well, after all, I’m only human you know.” For a true believer to make such a response, whether knowingly or due to genuine spiritual immaturity (Hebrews… Continue reading An Example of False, Albeit Unintentional, but Nevertheless, Untrusting, Unbelieving Humility
The Pinnacle of Christ-like Love
Forgiveness – the ultimate expression of the love of God for His elect children – Ephesians 1:3-6,7-14; I John 4 (all): To forgive others is the command of God to every believer, that is to be obeyed as is any command of God. To forgive is an act of obedience, not a process of human… Continue reading The Pinnacle of Christ-like Love
The Proper Fear of God
The proper fear of the Lord, Biblically revealed: Why we know to “fear” the Lord (Titus 1:1-2; Roms 1:18-20; II Tim 1:7-9; Ephs 1:3-14; Col 2:9-10; 1:22; Roms 8; Rev 20:10-15; 21-22) & what it means to rightly “fear” (reverence) our Holy Heavenly Father – The precious blessed wonder of the joy of embracing each… Continue reading The Proper Fear of God
God’s Divinely Inspired Authoritative Word
The Bible transcends the passing of time & all the attempts of evil, Satan inspired men to discredit & destroy it. The Bible is indeed the non-negotiable, always existant, uncreated, infallible, inerrant word/truth of God – Is 44:6; 55:6-7,8 (40:8; Ps 19; 119; Jn 17:17; II Tim 3:16-17; Pro 30:5-6; Rev 20:10-15; 21-22),9-13; 66:1-2; 46:8-10; Rev… Continue reading God’s Divinely Inspired Authoritative Word
Woman’s Role In the Church
Woman’s role in the church: I Timothy 2:11-15 (v12) Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, very unambiguously disallows any woman exercising authority over any man in the formal operation of the NT church — “formal operation” meaning the sherperding, teaching, governing operation of the local church. Paul never disallows the ongoing ministry of Godly… Continue reading Woman’s Role In the Church
Super Hero’s – hero’s or deceptive enemies?
SUPER HEROS ? – Heros or Deceptive Enemies? What unchecked impressions & imprints are parents really, actually saturating their children’s minds with, frequently, long before those children have any developmental capacity to recognize make-believe or reality, much less, separate the two? Notice the eyes, countenance, posture/pose of every single “hero” – aggressiveness, anger, rage, unrealistic body/muscle… Continue reading Super Hero’s – hero’s or deceptive enemies?
God’s Sovereignty In Salvation
The Sovereignty of God In Salvation I John 4:10; John 3:1-6,16-19; 6:44,65; 15:16; 14:6;17:3; Romans 8:3-8; Ephesians 1:3-14; Acts 26:14 “The testimony of the Spirit is superior to reason.” John Calvin Herein Calvin explained the singular reason any man believes, loves, & hungers to know the Word of God — the regenerative, salvific work… Continue reading God’s Sovereignty In Salvation
A Proper Fear of God
Proper Fear of the Lord The following is from John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”. This definition of a proper fear of the Lord is excerpted from a discourse that takes place between “Christian” and “Hopeful” as they draw near to the celestial gate of the City of God. I find Christian’s definition of a proper fear… Continue reading A Proper Fear of God