Super Hero’s – hero’s or deceptive enemies?

SUPER HEROS ? – Heros or Deceptive Enemies?

What unchecked impressions & imprints are parents really, actually saturating their children’s minds with, frequently, long before those children have any developmental capacity to recognize make-believe or reality, much less, separate the two?   

Notice the eyes, countenance, posture/pose of every single “hero” – aggressiveness, anger, rage, unrealistic body/muscle definition, bulky vs lean & all, male & female, with an element of sensuality – Deut 11:18-21; Ephs 6:1-4; Phil 4:8; Ps 15:2; 37:8; Pro 22:24-25; 29:22; Ecc 7:9; Is 33:15b; Ps 101:3.

It is a known fact that children are developmentally influenced & affected by sounds, attitudes, circumstances, etc. as early as in the womb.  The above scripture passages, inspired by the Holy Spirit thousands of years before this “knowledge” glutted modern era in which we live, forthrightly speaks to the training of children in godliness & to the sinfulness of human anger.  

First, by way of command & admonition, the instruction to parents is to expose their children to truth & train them in the ways of that truth, as parents, carefully guarding what they allow to be put into their young impressionable minds.  Secondly, unambiguous instruction is given concerning, as children of God, avoiding the practice & association with those who practice sinful human anger.

Although deceptively presented as “hero’s” who “fight for the good”, these animated make-believe figures, based on their countenances & physical appearances, subtly promote a multitude of sinful, evil qualities & characteristics.  One example being that of developing a pridefully narcissistic attitude that expects others to readily recognize & acknowledge him to be the “super hero” he perceives himself to be.  Secondarily, this “super hero” mindset, when instilled in very young children can promote risk taking on their part, before they are capable of discerning the danger of the risk involved in their “super hero” attempted imitations, that can result in property damage &,or personal injury or both.

Suffice it to say, any parent who makes light of, ridicules, or denies the reality of the impressionability of their very young children to these visually evil influences is first of all denying the instruction & command of God to avoid their exposure to such.  Secondly, they are willingly subjecting their child’s mind to influences that they, the parent, have no control over, nor any way of determining how or to what extent their child is being effected by said exposure.  On more than a few occasions over the years I have sadly observed fathers & mothers encouraging their young children (1-3 year olds)to emulate the sounds & actions of these “SUPER HEROS” & applaud their doing so as though they had mastered a truly noteworthy, worthwhile thing.  Rest assured, such exposure over the years of a child’s development from birth til the teen years & even into adulthood, is a prominent factor in the spirit of narcissism & rebellion that saturates the young people of America today – 2022.   II Timothy 3:1-7 reads like the TV/newspaper reports of today, much of which is the result of parentally undeterred exposure & access to things such as these “SUPER HEROS” in the early formative, developmental years of growth & learning.

II Timothy 3:1-7:  1  But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2  For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,3  unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without  self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5  holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. 6  For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, 7  always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.