The Demise of America

11/7/2022 – The demise of America – morally, politically, economically, as just one of a multitude of elements in God’s Sovereign, predestined, providential perfect plan revealed from Genesis thru Revelation (Gen 3:15; Ps 19:7-11; 119; Pro 21:1,30-31; II Tim 3:16-17; II Ptr 1:19-21), is being carried out on the stage of human history, for the securing of His Holy bride for His Holy Son – Titus 1:1-2; Ephs 1:3-6; Gen 3:15; Is 53; Lu 2; Jn 1:1-14; 14:6(1-6,27); 20-21; Acts 1:9-11; Hebs 1:1-4; II Ptr 3:3-13; Rev 20: 11-14, 15; 21-22.

Contrary to the thinking of many, if not the majority, of professing Christians & evangelicals, God, in His Sovereign predestined, foreordained plan for the full sequence of the days of human history, from Gen 1:1 to Rev 22:21…..has never revived any government or nation, once that nation, in blatant rebellion & rejection of Him & His Holy word, has collapsed, & been turned over, by God, to a reprobate mind – Roms 1:27(18, 19-32); Gen 19:1-29.  One nation, & one only, because of His promise to His Holy Son to give Him a Holy bride, now being fulfilled in His immutable covenant with Abraham (Gen 12:1-3; Num 23:19; Titus 1:2(1-3), did God create to be sustained for the entirety of human history – ISRAEL.  Herein is revealed the foolishness of true believers who become fixated on the MAGA, recreation of America, viewing & making Donald J. Trump &/or conservative politics their “savior”.

Gen 19:1-29 – the doom of Sodom & Gomorrah 

Roms 1:18,19-32 – the demise of America 

What is the common denominator between Sodom & America that incurs this wrath of God – the blatant perversion of God’s natural order.


John MacArthur puts it this way:

“Homosexuality is the ultimate perversion of manhood:

– 2003 – legalized sodomy

– 2015 – legalized same sex marriages 

– 2022 – the ultimate degradation of homosexuality is drag queens in elementary schools – grooming kids to be as perverted as a male could ever be & the government is demanding acceptance for these people, if not making them the priority.  

(Mac’s 2003/2015 references were Supreme Court rulings.  On November 25 or 28, 2022 the US Congress followed suit when they legalized interracial & same-sex marriages – Roms 1:18,19-32/jgw) 

Where you have homosexuality, you have the end of a culture (Gen 19:1-29; Roms 1:18,19- 32; II Thess 2:11-12/jgw).

MacArthur continues, ‘…..the end of a culture.’ means that culture has crossed the line of hatred of God that is beyond God’s grace to that culture, to the culture, but never to His elect within that culture – Rev 7:4-8; 14:1-3; 17:6.” (Hebs 6:1-6; I Jn 2:19/jgw)