The Proper Fear of God

The proper fear of the Lord, Biblically revealed:

Why we know to “fear” the Lord (Titus 1:1-2; Roms 1:18-20; II Tim 1:7-9; Ephs 1:3-14; Col 2:9-10; 1:22; Roms 8; Rev 20:10-15; 21-22) & what it means to rightly “fear” (reverence) our Holy Heavenly Father – 

The precious blessed wonder of the joy of embracing each fresh new day of God’s good gift of this earthly life, lovingly revering (“fearing” as translated in our English Bibles) Him as our precious, infinitely loving, Holy Heavenly Father.  It is to do so in the fullness of His sinlesslly pure, radiantly beautiful, majestically holy Person, each fresh new day of His good & perfect plan for the # of our days as His beloved chosen ones (Ps 139:16; Acts 17:24-28) in His kingdom service here – Ps 118:24; Mt 6:33-34.

Pro 1:7; 9:10; Ps 24-25 (25:12-15)***; 128***; 119:104 (97-105)

                  Proper Fear of the Lord 

The following is from John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”.  This definition of a proper fear of the Lord is excerpted from a discourse that takes place between “Christian” and “Hopeful” as they draw near to the celestial gate of the City of God.

I find Christian’s definition of a proper fear of the Lord to be Biblically accurate and compelling for any true believer who is desirous of a right and proper understanding of the wonder of the holiness and glory and majesty of our Sovereign God.  I think it is worthy of our noting that John Bunyan scribed this definition while imprisoned in a cold damp English prison cell, incarcerated for no other reason than that he refused to deny his Lord — I Peter 3:15 – 17.  It is only as we come to have such an ever present, proper, spiritually healthy fear of the Lord that we are enabled by the Holy Spirit to have an ever increasing comprehension of the wonder of who He is and His infinite worthiness of our love and devotion each day of His good gift of life.  Such fear will produce an ever increasing desire for and anticipation of His blessed sanctifying faithfulness in your life.  Read Christian’s definition soberlythoughtfully, and meditatively, giving consideration to the extent to which your life exemplifies this righteous good fear of the Lord.

“True or right fear is discovered by three things.  One, by its rise. It is caused by saving conviction of sin.  Two, it driveth the soul to lay fast hold of Christ for salvation.  Three, it begetteth and continueth in the soul, a great reverence for God, His word and ways, keeping it tender and making it afraid to turn from that to the right hand or the left; to anything that may dishonor God; break His peace; grieve the Spirit, or cause the enemy to speak reproach.”  

Proverbs 1:7; 9:10; 8:13 (see Exodus 20:20; Job 28:28; Psalm 111:10; Ecclesiastes 12: 13)