Be Glad In Our Lord!

Be “glad”in our Lord (“Be” indicates a willful act; a grateful, joyful daily act of loving obedience) – Ps 118:24: The majesty & glory of Yahweh – Ps 29*-31* Ps 4:7: 7 You have put gladness in my heart, more than when their grain and new wine abound.  Don’t miss the glory of the “past tense” nature of God’s loving… Continue reading Be Glad In Our Lord!

Psalm 37:1-7: Commands – 10 in 7 verses

Ps 37:1-7 – 10 commands in these 7 verses: ***Pro 24:19(same as v1 in this Ps 37)*** 10 commands in vv1-7: 1/v1)do not fret over evil doers 2/v1)be not envious of wrong doers 3/v3)trust in the Lord 4/v3)do good (Js 1:21-25) 5/v3)dwell in the land (be content where God has placed you-Phil 4:6-7,11) 6/v3)cultivate faithfulness  (God’s faithfulness/#3; 2… Continue reading Psalm 37:1-7: Commands – 10 in 7 verses

The Brain vs The Mind

The Brain vs The Mind In The Loss of Memory/Processing Abilities The intent of this article is to expose in the light of God’s holy word a very present example of Satan’s false system of incessant lies related to the relationship, if any, between the brain and the mind and what it reveals about memory… Continue reading The Brain vs The Mind

The Swords of Christ

The swords of Christ: The first sword of Christ: Matthew 10:34-39:  34  “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 “For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; 36 and A MAN’S ENEMIES WILL… Continue reading The Swords of Christ

Jerusalem In the Economy of God

“Jerusalem In The Economy of God” II Chronicles 6:6:  6 but I have chosen Jerusalem that My name might be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel. Jerusalem – God’s chosen place for His earthly presence with His chosen people, Israel Jerusalem – The place of our Lord’s glorious, victorious resurrection… Continue reading Jerusalem In the Economy of God

Humanism, Values Clarification, Sex Education

Humanism, Values Clarification, Sex Education – the result?  Romans 1:28(18,19-32): Humanism, Values Clarification, Sex Education, & in a supporting role, Liberal Theologians/Preachers – Col 2:8; Ps 19:7-11; 37:1-2,3-6; Jn 8:36; Phil 4:6-7(4-5, 8,11,13): America today is living out the reality of, in God’s Sovereign, providential order, the ultimate fruition of 90 years of, beginning with John… Continue reading Humanism, Values Clarification, Sex Education

THE NEW WORLD ORDER – the agenda of the deceived

THE NEW WORLD ORDER – Satan’s exercise in futility, in God’s Sovereign providential order, destined for failure before it began – Rev 20:10, 11-14,15: Rev 20:10:  10 And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented… Continue reading THE NEW WORLD ORDER – the agenda of the deceived

The Power of A Yellow Line

The Power of A Yellow Line Some folks might say that there is no man made object that wields more power than the “yellow line” that separates driving lanes on two lane highways and rural roads in America.   Think about it — that yellow line is so powerful that it makes it possible for… Continue reading The Power of A Yellow Line

The United Nations – united in evil

The United Nations – Satan’s, God ordained vehicle (Pro 21:2; Job 1; Rev 20:10,11-14, 15), for the dissemination  of his evil, God hating, humanistic system of world control necessary for & presently setting the stage for God’s Biblically foretold seven years of tribulation – Mt 24:21,29; Mk 13:19; Rev 7: 14(chapters 6- 17): NEW WORLD ORDER:  UN… Continue reading The United Nations – united in evil