Humanism, Values Clarification, Sex Education – the result? Romans 1:28(18,19-32):
Humanism, Values Clarification, Sex Education, & in a supporting role, Liberal Theologians/Preachers – Col 2:8; Ps 19:7-11; 37:1-2,3-6; Jn 8:36; Phil 4:6-7(4-5, 8,11,13):
America today is living out the reality of, in God’s Sovereign, providential order, the ultimate fruition of 90 years of, beginning with John Dewey at Columbia university in 1931, ungodly public, government education anchored & steeped in three primary satanic systems plus one equally satanic secondary supporting influence –
Primary: Humanism (secular & religious), Values Clarification, & Sex Education. Secondary: Liberal theologians & preachers.
Roms 1:28(18-32) – this article testifies to the present day, 12/2023, manifestation of the reprobate mind of Roms 1:28 (reprobate/depraved > Gen 3:1-6; 6:5; 19:4-19; Pro 4:16- 17,19; 10:23a; Is 32:6-7; Jer 17:9-10; 10:8-9; Mk 7:21-23; Roms 8:6-8; 3:10-18; 1:28-29) – that God hating, heinously evil, immoral, conscienceless mind that is, at all points, literally irrational (having lost all ability to think rationally as created by God) – Satan personified in human flesh (Gen 3:1-6).
The following is the headline from an article on “The Dissenter” website:
VA School Board Trades Bible for Stack
of LGBTQ-Themed Pornographic Books
for Swearing-in Ceremony
The following is a glimpse into how long & how subtly these evil systems have been poisoning the minds of Americas children & young people.
There came a time fifty five years ago now, when, in God’s perfect timing, I became aware of secular & religious humanism & the insidious way Satan, thru American public schools, universities, & liberal theologians/preachers, was using it to lay the modern foundation for what has literally come to pass in America today, as testified to by the headline of The Dissenter article addressed above.
When I graduated from college with a degree in Art Ed. & Physical Education (a liberal arts Christian college in the Deep South) in 1964 I began a teaching career that would span the next 25 years, the last 15 of which was serving as the headmaster of Christian schools. Interestingly enough, not a single time in a single education class at that “Christian” college was the word humanism ever mentioned, let alone explained as the evil system it is. And, the only reference made to John Dewey was that he was the head of the department of education at Columbia University & as such, touted as the “father of modern American public education”. In cohort with Dewey & his humanistic approach to education, in the 1960’s, three specific influences began to appear in American public schools as the result of inclusion in college teacher training curricula – the implementation of the tenets of the Humanist Manifesto 1 & II, Values Clarification, & explicit, soft porn Sex Education from kindergarten thru grade 12.
That said, it was in 1967 when I began the pursuit of a graduate degree in Counseling Psychology & School Administration in order to accept the position as eighth grade counselor at the Jr. High where I taught – it was thru these studies that I first became aware of John Dewey’s humanistic philosophy of education & life. At that time I secured a copy of the humanists bible, The Humanist Manifesto, I & II. The first was compiled in 1933 & then revised in 1973 under the editorial oversight of Dr Paul Kurtz, a university philosophy professor & proponent of all things humanistic.
The Humanist Manifesto I & II is a very succinct, evil, direct satanic assault on the very person of God & His absolute Word of truth, the Bible.
Consider the Biblical significance, obviously unintended, of Kurtz opening sentence in the Preface to Humanist Manifesto I:
“Humanism is a philosophical, religious, and moral point of view as old as human civilization itself.”
What is the Biblical significance of Kurtz’ statement? Genesis 3:6-12 reveals the origin of all things humanistic.
Genesis 3:6-12: 6 When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings. 8 They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?” 10 He said, “I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.” 11 And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” 12 The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.”
Manifesto I is comprised of fifteen tenets or affirmations. Manifesto II contains five categorical sections, Religion, Ethics, The Individual, Democratic Society, & World Community, containing a total of seventeen tenets or affirmations.
The first tenet in both documents obviously is the product of the event recorded in God’s inspired word in Genesis 3:6-12:
Tenet I of Manifesto I – “Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created.”. Tenet 6 is foundational to number I – “We are convinced that the time has passed for theism, deism, modernism, and the several varieties of “new thought.”
Tenet I of Manifesto II – “We believe…..that traditional dogmatic or authoritarian religions that place revelation, God, ritual, or creed above human needs and experience do a disservice to the human species.”
One more example of the mindset behind these evil documents – from Charles Francis Potter, a Baptist preacher turned totally liberal Unitarian preacher & an original signer of the 1933 Manifesto I:
“Humanism is not the abolition of religion,” Potter was quoted as saying, “but the beginning of real religion. By freeing religion of supernaturalist, it will release tremendous reserves of hitherto thwarted power. Man has waited too long for God to do what man ought to do himself and is fully capable of doing.” It was to be, he said, “a religion of common sense; and the chief end of man is to improve himself, both as an individual and as a race.”
Potter is heretical & blasphemous – Isaiah 5:20; Genesis 6:5; Jeremiah 17:9-10; Ezekiel 13; Romans 3:18(10-18).
Isaiah 5:20-21: “20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight!”
“Values Clarification” was formulated for public school consumption, in workbook form, by Sidney B. Simon in the late’60’s to early 70’s:
Here is a brief online review of Simon’s book entitled “Values Clarification”:
“Are you getting what you want out of life? Do you know where you draw the line when it comes to sex, money, cheating on your income tax…..or accepting an indecent proposal? Becoming aware of yourvalues is the key to making wise choices in all aspects of your life, from picking a partner to buying a house. Created by Dr. Sydney Simon, coauthor of the best selling Getting Unstuck, and two other leading professionals, this workbook has already had an impact on hundreds of thousands of lives. Its scores of intriguing, interactive exercises* were designed to uncover the hidden beliefs* that reveal what matters most to you, how you deal with life-changing conflicts, which career choices will make you happiest*, which leisure time activities provide you with the most pleasure*, where you honestly stand on controversial issues, what day-to-day events are likely to make* you angry……excited…..anxious…..confident, how best to motivate yourself, and what beliefs can cause conflict in your family or love relationship.”
*“intriguing, interactive exercises…..” conveniently fails to include “perverted”;
*“uncover hidden beliefs…..” this, interestingly, gives no indication of how one comes to have “hidden (unknown) beliefs” or what they might be. The fact is this is subtlety crafted, pagan Gnosticism coupled with mysticism of the “transcendental meditation, mind over matter” New Age type.
*”make you angry”… is the ever present blaming something or someone else for selfs sinful anger.
Notice the ever present narcissistic focus on self via 13 reference to “you”, “your”, “yourself” relating to “making you happiest”, “providing you with the most pleasure”.
And remember this is cultivated in the context of a belief system that is totally relative, devoid of any/all absolutes.
Two insights on Values Clarification from Wikipedia:
What is the value clarification method of teaching?
“Value clarification teaches that behavior is not morally good or evil, rather wise or foolish actions can vary according to time, place, and circumstances. Value clarification has to be a rational process. Important aspect of value clarification in education is moral development of a child.”
The above statement couldn’t be more oxymoronic, irrational, or unbiblical.
- “behavior is not morally good or evil, rather wise or foolish….” – This is heresy at the highest level in that what is stated is 180 degrees from God’s truth – Pro 23:7; 27:19; Roms 3:18; Jer 17:9-10; Roms 8:6-8; 1:18,19-32; II Thess 2:11-12
- “has to be a rational process.” – This statement testifies to the inherent practice of every false teacher following in the footsteps of his/her father Satan. Just as he did in the Garden with Adam & Eve so do his false teachers teach as much truth as they can & still teach their lies (Mt 7: 15-20; II Cor 11:13-15). To fail to recognize the irrationality of this entire statement is a testimony to the truth of our Father as revealed in Jer 10:8-9 (in this case, their “idols” being their insidious lies that they believe & gleefully perpetrate – Pro 4:16- 17,19; Roms 3:10-18); I Cor 2:14.
- “Important aspect…….in education is moral development of a child.” – The inherent spiritual blindness of the spiritually dead manifested in this one statement is so comprehensive it is almost beyond comprehension. To say in one breath, “behavior is not morally good or evil” & then in the next say an”Important aspect” of this system “is moral development of a child.” is totally irrational, completely oxymoronic – Jer 10: 8-9; Pro 4:16-17,19; Roms 3:18(10-18); 1:18,19-32.
What is value clarification in values education?
“Values clarification is an ongoing process of the development of defining what one values (what onebelieves to be most important and what one cares for most), and how one acts on those values in daily life. Values clarification is the process of defining one’s values.”
- “ongoing process” reveals the fundamental humanistic, post modern total rejection of any belief in absolutes which inherently equates to a total rejection of God & His Holy word which inherently leads to the total reprobate decimation of the society (America today – narcissistically hedonistic – Roms 8:6-8; 3:10-18; 1:18,19-32) – Hebs 4:12; Ps 19:7- 11(all); 119(all); Is 55:8,9-11; 46:8-10; 40: 5-8; Pro 30:5-6; Jn 17:17; II Tim 3:16-17; II Ptr 1:19-21; Rev 22:18-19.
- The five times repeated “one”, referring to the individual student & his development of his values, graphically captures the ultimate objective & outcome of humanistic, no absolutes Values Clarification – a society with no moral compass where chaos & anarchy reign because narcissism reigns – Judges 21: 25; Deut 12:8; Micah 7:5-7; Is 59:14-15; Jer 9:1-6; II Tim 3:1-7
- Deuteronomy 12:8: 8 “You shall not do at all what we are doing here today, every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes;
Clearly, Religious & Secular Humanism are not new 20th-21st century ideas – this description of the children of Israel would drop perfectly into the tenets of religious/secular humanism as proported in The Humanist Manifesto I & II of 1933 & 1973.
Sex Education – American Education style in all its satanic perversion:
All that needs to be addressed related to the presence, practice & product of the implementation of the perverted Sex Education programs in American public education today is —- observe, in America today, 2023, the irrational perversion of all things sacred in God’s creation & blessing of human marriage & the family, that indestructible, foundational, one flesh relationship of all of human society for all of human history – Gen 1:26-32; 2:7,18, 21-25; Deut 11:18-21; Ephs 5:25(21-6:4); Roms 1:18,19-32.
It was in 1979, having moved to NC to establish a new Christian school, that I spent the first year meeting with parents in home meetings, speaking at civic clubs (Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary), & speaking in local churches to explain what a truly Biblical, academically sound Christian school would provide in the way of mitigating the influence of these three systems, being actively propagated as evil, ungodly drivers in American public education in 1979.
Today, December 2023, forty four years later, as stated in the opening statement of this article, we are witnessing the manifestation of these evil systems having come to full fruition, all in God’s Sovereign providential order – Roms 1: 28(18,19-32); Deut 7:9-10; Judges 21:25; Is 5:20.