THE NEW WORLD ORDER – the agenda of the deceived

THE NEW WORLD ORDER – Satan’s exercise in futility, in God’s Sovereign providential order, destined for failure before it began – Rev 20:10, 11-14,15:

Rev 20:10:  10 And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.


UN Agenda 21/2030 Mission Goals (dé· jà vu, “The Brave New World”, a novel written by British humanist & signer of the 1933 Humanist Manifesto, Aldous Huxley):

One world government

One world cashless currency

One world central bank

One world military

The end of national sovereignty

The end of all privately owned property

The end of the family unit

Depopulation, control of population growth & population density

Mandatory multiple vaccines

Universal basic income (austerity)

Microchipped society for purchasing, travel, tracking, & controlling

Implementation of a world social credit system (like China has)

Trillions of appliances hooked into the 5G monitoring system (Internet of Things)

Government raised children

Government owned schools, Colleges, & Universities

The end of private transportation, owning cars, etc.

All businesses owned by government and corporations

The restriction of nonessential air travel

Human beings concentrated into human settlement zones, cities 

The end of irrigation

The end of private farms & grazing livestock

The end of single family homes

Restricted land use that serves human needs

The ban of natural non synthetic drugs & naturopathic medicine

The end of fossil fuels


What is Agenda 21?  Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally, & locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, & Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

What is the nutshell of Agenda 2030?  The 2030 Agenda is universal, transformative, & rights based.  It is an ambitious plan of action for countries, the UN system, & all other actors. The agenda is the most comprehensive blueprint to date for eliminating extreme poverty, reducing inequality, & protecting the planet – Mt 26: 11; Mk 14:7; Jn 12:8/Mt 22:37-40; Phil 2:3-4; II Ptr 3:10(3-13); Rev 20:15.

What will Agenda 2030 do?   The global goals & the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development seek to end poverty & hunger, realize the human rights of all, achieve gender equality & the empowerment of all women & girls, & insure the lasting protection of the planet & its natural resources.

Which countries signed Agenda 2030?  All 193 member countries signed on to 17 Sustainable Development Goals to “create the future we want in 2030.”

As with every Godless human agenda, this is an exercise in futility destined for failure before it ever starts – II Peter 3:3-13; Revelation 20:11-14,15.