Divine Intervention – a questionable concept

Over the years, having read various Charismatic authors and listened to a wide variety of Charismatic as well as evangelical preachers and teachers, the wide-spread use of the phrase “Divine intervention”  always had a “noisy gong, clanging cymbal” (I Corinthians 13:1) sound to me.  The reason it did I believe is made evident by Paul’s… Continue reading Divine Intervention – a questionable concept

God’s Righteous Routiness

  God’s Righteous Routineness   The “Routineness” of God’s Sovereign Created Order On  Tuesday morning, the ninth of October, 2012, as I went about the completing of a very “routine” daily, unchanging task — namely the making of our bed (one small thing I choose to do to slightly reduce my dear wife’s daily responsibilities),… Continue reading God’s Righteous Routiness

Preparing Children For Godliness

Preparing children for Godliness – Pro 22:6: Training Children in Preparation for Godliness Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 11:18-21; Ephesians 6:1-4 It is eternally more significant that, as a parent, you teach and require your children to respect you and obey you (Ephesians 6:1; Exodus 20:12), than it is that you constantly be filling their heads with… Continue reading Preparing Children For Godliness

A Father’s Role

A father’s role is not to be always trying to do battle for his children in those situations in life he might wish had gone or will go another way. No, a father’s role is to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord”(Ephesians 6:4 NAS).  A significant element of accomplishing this… Continue reading A Father’s Role

Thoughts on Prayer

Romans 12:1-2; II Tim 2:15 The way you think will specifically determine the way you pray and the way you think is specifically and directly determined by the extent to which you are daily, faithfully embracing & immersing your mind in the glorious truth of God’s holy word — lovingly, meditatively, soberly letting your mind… Continue reading Thoughts on Prayer

Categorized as Prayer