God’s Righteous Routiness

  God’s Righteous Routineness  

The “Routineness” of God’s Sovereign Created Order

On  Tuesday morning, the ninth of October, 2012, as I went about the completing of a very “routine” daily, unchanging task — namely the making of our bed (one small thing I choose to do to slightly reduce my dear wife’s daily responsibilities), I began to ponder the reality of the routineness of much of what we do each day of God’s gracious good gift of life.  The only reason I reference the specific circumstance that prompted this consideration of God’s righteous routineness is because what could be more routine than the daily practice of making ones bed?  In my pondering I was reminded of how man in his fallen, sinful thinking often, if not always, perceives and pronounces the routine things of life to be unfulfilling, meaningless, unchallenging, and most commonly — boring.  This fact prompted a question. “Why does man do this?”   In the light of God’s holy word, the clear, immutable answer to “Why?” is because man, in his sinful flesh, is never satisfied.  This being true (I Jn 2:15-17; James 4:1-4, 13-16), man’s evaluation of the “routine” tasks of daily living is 180 degrees contrary to God’s.  In the darkness of his fallen, rebellious, spiritually dead (Romans 8:3-8) mind & heart, man, being incapable of knowing God, rejects the good & perfect (I Tim 4:4-5;6:17) routine order of God for the living of His gracious, good gift of life each new day (Psalm 118:24; Matthew 6:33-34).   

When the “routine” or “sameness” of the daily requirements for living life are evaluated in the light of His holy word, they are revealed to be integral elements of His glorious, sinlessly pure, holy, predestined economy for His foreordained perfect completion of human history (I Thess. 4:9-12; I Tim. 2:1-4). These “routine” activities of life are human, earthly parallels of the wonder of God’s gloriously immutable, infinitely holy, patient, ROUTINE, Sovereign enduring of the hatred of evil men (Romans 9:22-24) that He might — in the ROUTINE, predestined progression of His perfectly foreordained plan, one glorious, fresh new day at a time — accomplish the redemption of that elect holy bride He promised to His holy Son (Titus 1:1-2; II Tim 1:9; Is 54:5; Ephesians 1:22-23; 5:25-32; II Ptr 3:8-9; Rev 21:2,9), our precious Lord Jesus Christ.  Indeed it is in the truth of Psalm 118:24 that God clearly reveals the routineness of His holy plan as each new day dawns exactly as He predestined it to, before time began, having set it in motion “In the beginning….” (Genesis 1:1).  There is no greater evidence of the holy, good “ROUTINE”ness of God than His immutable, irrevocable, undeterred daily, perfect sustaining of His gloriously beautiful amazing creation — this beautiful earth on which we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:24-28) — this beautiful earth that continues rotating on its axis, thus determining the dawning of each glorious new day, as it proceeds on its predestined orbit around the sun every 365 days, year after “ROUTINE” year — all within the expanse of our God’s infinite, glorious universe.

Consider, dear reader, that the “routine” tasks of your day and mine, are indeed, when viewed through the lens of His holy word, wondrous parallels of His good & perfect “ROUTINE” sustaining of His beautiful universe as the stage on which He is accomplishing the fulfillment of that predestined number of days He created in the beginning of time that comprise the entirety of human history (Psalm 139:16; Acts 17:26) from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, all in the Sovereign authority & power declared in Isaiah 46:8-10.