Thoughts on Prayer

Romans 12:1-2; II Tim 2:15

The way you think will specifically determine the way you pray and the way you think is specifically and directly determined by the extent to which you are daily, faithfully embracing & immersing your mind in the glorious truth of God’s holy word — lovingly, meditatively, soberly letting your mind dwell on it with a grateful, trusting, obeying mind and heart attitude that desires that every thought you have be fully informed (shaped/determined) by the glorious principles of God’s holy word.  It is indeed the heartfelt sincere prayer of a righteous man that pleases God and only prayer that is informed by His holy word concerning His holy person that focuses on worshipping and adoring and exalting and praising Him,  is prayer that gives God joy and delight, for indeed He IS eternally, immutably, unceasingly worthy of such praise.