The Proper Fear of God

The proper fear of the Lord, Biblically revealed: Why we know to “fear” the Lord (Titus 1:1-2; Roms 1:18-20; II Tim 1:7-9; Ephs 1:3-14; Col 2:9-10; 1:22; Roms 8; Rev 20:10-15; 21-22) & what it means to rightly “fear” (reverence) our Holy Heavenly Father –  The precious blessed wonder of the joy of embracing each… Continue reading The Proper Fear of God

God’s Divinely Inspired Authoritative Word

The Bible transcends the passing of time & all the attempts of evil, Satan inspired men to discredit & destroy it.  The Bible is indeed the non-negotiable, always existant, uncreated, infallible, inerrant word/truth of God – Is 44:6; 55:6-7,8 (40:8; Ps 19; 119; Jn 17:17; II Tim 3:16-17; Pro 30:5-6; Rev 20:10-15; 21-22),9-13; 66:1-2; 46:8-10; Rev… Continue reading God’s Divinely Inspired Authoritative Word

Woman’s Role In the Church

Woman’s role in the church: I Timothy 2:11-15 (v12) Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, very unambiguously disallows any woman exercising authority over any man in the formal operation of the NT church — “formal operation” meaning the sherperding, teaching, governing operation of the local church.  Paul never disallows the ongoing ministry of Godly… Continue reading Woman’s Role In the Church

Super Hero’s – hero’s or deceptive enemies?

SUPER HEROS ? – Heros or Deceptive Enemies? What unchecked impressions & imprints are parents really, actually saturating their children’s minds with, frequently, long before those children have any developmental capacity to recognize make-believe or reality, much less, separate the two?    Notice the eyes, countenance, posture/pose of every single “hero” – aggressiveness, anger, rage, unrealistic body/muscle… Continue reading Super Hero’s – hero’s or deceptive enemies?

God’s Sovereignty In Salvation

The Sovereignty of God In Salvation I John 4:10; John 3:1-6,16-19; 6:44,65; 15:16; 14:6;17:3; Romans 8:3-8; Ephesians 1:3-14; Acts 26:14 “The testimony of the Spirit is superior to reason.”   John Calvin Herein Calvin explained the singular reason any man believes, loves, & hungers to know the Word of God — the regenerative, salvific work… Continue reading God’s Sovereignty In Salvation

A Proper Fear of God

Proper Fear of the Lord  The following is from John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”.  This definition of a proper fear of the Lord is excerpted from a discourse that takes place between “Christian” and “Hopeful” as they draw near to the celestial gate of the City of God. I find Christian’s definition of a proper fear… Continue reading A Proper Fear of God

Informing Your Mind

How does the Word of God inform your thinking and as such shape, inform and direct or determine your decision making which in turn determines your conduct in each new day of God’s good gift of life to you?  I Timothy 4:4-5; 6:17;  Psalm 118:24; 104; 33; 98; 139:16;  Acts 17:24-28 (v26);  Proverbs 1:7; 2:6;… Continue reading Informing Your Mind

In God’s Image

In God’s image – Gen 1:26: “Let Us make man in Our  image, according to Our likeness…..”; what does this mean? Man created in the image of God means he, man, is a rational(thinking), moral, decision making being who possesses personhood (capacity for relationship) & self consciousness, meaning man consciously knows what he willfully does/is doing,… Continue reading In God’s Image