Train Up A Child

“Train up a child……” – what does it mean?  Pro 22:6: Deut 11:18-21; Pro 20:27; Ephs 6:4; Col 3:17 Notice, Solomon, in the inspiration of our blessed Holy Spirit, said “Train”, not “teach”.  Herein is a marvelous manifestation of our Father’s infinite, Sovereign, Omnisciently faithful provision of, by way of His Holy word, righteous, immutably wise… Continue reading Train Up A Child

A Proper Fear of God

The proper fear of the Lord, Biblically revealed: Why we know to “fear” the Lord (Titus 1:1-2; Roms 1:18-20; II Tim 1:7-9; Ephs 1:3-14; Col 2:9-10; 1:22; Roms 8; Rev 20:10-15; 21-22) & what it means to rightly “fear” (reverence) our Holy Heavenly Father –  The precious blessed wonder of the joy of embracing each… Continue reading A Proper Fear of God

Happiness vs Joy

“Happiness” is always circumstantial, based on an experience (II Ptr 1:16-18,19-21) & it is always temporary. “Joy” (Phil 4:4-5; I Thess 5:16; Ps 33; 65-67; 103; 145-50) is always relational (I Jn 4:7-19; Ephs 1:3-6), based on a condition (Col 2:9-10; 1:22-23; Roms 8:1,28,29-30,31,32-39; II Cor 5:17; Jn 10:9-10,17-18,27-30; 17:9-10,22-24) & is eternal (Titus 1:1-2; Gen 3:15; Jer 29:11-13; Ephs 1:3-6; 2:4-10; Roms 8:1,37-39;… Continue reading Happiness vs Joy

How Can I Know I’m Saved?

“How Can I Know I’m Saved?” – Acts 2:37-47: The “acid” test of saving faith?  I Jn 2:3-5***\see p146, ***, “Christ’s Call To Reform the Church”, by Jn Mac, 2018: I Jn 2:3-5:  3 By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. 4  The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a  liar, and the truth is not in him; 5  but… Continue reading How Can I Know I’m Saved?

God’s Priority of Human Relationships

God’s Priority for Human Relationships God; Marriage; Family; Fellow Believers; Unbelievers: This pyramid of prioritized relationships is offered to facilitate a right Biblical understanding of God’s foreordained perfect order for the practice of Christlike love in every human relationship He has woven into the fabric of every life created in His image — Genesis 1-2… Continue reading God’s Priority of Human Relationships