HUMAN GOVERNMENT is one of a multitude of false gods of Satan’s deceitful, unceasing war against God that is presently (10/20/2022) consuming “conservative” Americans (many of whom are professing believers) as they look to their threefold “savior” – 1) voting 2) a majority control of Congress & 3) Donald J. Trump in the presidency (Pro 21:1, 30-31; Ex 14:15-18). God was then (Ex 14:15- 18; Pro 16:4), is now (II Thess 2:11- 12; II Tim 3:1-7), & will always be glorified by & in His righteous, Holy eternally destructive wrath & judgement poured out on evil, God & Christ hating, rejecting men – Roms 8:6-8; Rev 20:11- 14,15; Gen 6:5; Roms 8:6-8; I Cor 2:14; Job 21:30; Ps 5:4-6; 92:7(4- 7); Roms 9:14-24(all); II Thess 2:11-12; Rev 20:10, 11-15***).
The mantra of conservative candidates is that the reason for the rise in crime is the failure of liberal city & state prosecutors (lawyers) to enforce the laws already on the books – not so! The escalation/rise of crime, inflation, etc. is the result of one act of our Sovereign God – Roms 1:28(18,19-32; Job 21:30; Ps 92:5-7; Roms 9:22-24).
Sean Hannity (FOX News) stated 10/28/2022, “I’ve never seen such a deterioration of our country in so short a period of time – 20 months under Joe Biden”. Hannity is right, but Joe Biden isn’t the reason/cause. Roms 1:28 clearly states the cause & vv 18-32 clearly state the reason thereof (Gen 6:5; Jer 17:9- 10; Roms 3:10-18; II Thess 2:11-12).
Laura Trump, on Hannity (11/2/22) “The saving of our country and our future is up to us. Get out and vote and tell everybody you know to vote.”
As of 10/27/2022, via the rhetoric of conservative news sources, America now has another “savior” in addition to conservative government – Elon Musk & his purchase of Twitter.
On 10/19/22, on the Tucker Carlson show, Jason Whitlock stated that America was founded on Biblical principles, that America has been a Biblical experiment & liberals hate it. Tucker immediately stated “I agree!”
I find it enlightening to observe two things about these “professing” conservative Christian’s – they verbalize the same perplexed questions as to the cause of the escalation of crime that the liberals verbalize, yet they never acknowledge the sin nature of all men, the sinful conduct of men, nor do they ever refer in any way to the necessity of repentance for salvation – Mk 1:15, John 3:1-8.
Be mindful of the fact that, contrary to the belief of many conservatives, “conservative” and “Christian” never have been & never will be synonymous. The “I believe in God.” claim of most conservatives is, as proven by their lives, nothing more than a willful intellectual acknowledgement of God’s existence. The “I believe in God.” of a Biblically defined true believer, an obedient follower of Jesus Christ is a declaration backed up by a life that demonstrates love for Christ through faithful, obedient daily living – Jn 14:15,21, 23; Acts 26:20; Roms 6:12-14; Js 1:21-25; I Jn 5:18.
The foolishness of reliance on human gov’t, be it “liberal”, “conservative”, socialistic, democratic, republic, etc. is daily exemplified in the incessant bantering of the news media, conservatives against liberals & vice versa. A recent example of the culpability of both camps is, first, the abominable billboard campaign across America by California governor Gavin Newsom inviting women desiring to abort their baby to come to California where abortion is still available. The most insidiously abominable aspect of his invitation is his satanic use of Christ’s command to “love your neighbor as yourself” as support for making abortions available to any who want one. Secondly, just this week (10/18/22) Tucker Carlson, an “all in conservative” on Fox News, in his attempt to drive home the necessity of preserving our constitutional right to “free speech”, speech being “words”, if we are to “save” America, quoted the first phrase in Jn 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word” & then commented “see, the word was in the beginning”. Although for a very different purpose, Tucker Carlson, in his rejection of Christ, prostituted God’s Holy Word just as certainly as did Gavin Newsom. Both are living testimonies to the truth of I Cor 2:14 – “But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.” Although postured in general support of a more Judeo/Christian moral position, the conservatives, like Tucker Carlson, have not one grain more understanding of the true & real cause of the problems of humanity than do the unabashed professed atheist’s & agnostics in the liberal camp. In their rejection of God (Roms 8:6-8; 3:10-18,23; 1:18,19-32; I Cor 2: 14), they all are practical atheists who, in their foolishness (Ps 14:1; 53:1; Jer 10:8-9; Roms 8:6-8), are totally devoid of the reality of the sin nature of man (Gen 6:5; Jer 17:9-10; Roms 3:23), & apart from God’s elective grace, they will die that way. Thus, in their darkened minds, they attribute the multitude of issues with the human condition to parental failure, lack of educational opportunity, medical failures, environmental issues, sibling rivalry, etc., etc. – I Cor 2:14; Roms 8:6-8; 3:10-18,23; 1:18,19-32; II Thess 2:11-12(9-12). This denial of the individuals sinfulness (Gen 6:5; Ezkl 18) establishes, in Satan’s evil scheme, a foundation for denying & rejecting personal accountability at every level of living which in turn lays a firm foundation for the rise of individual & cultural narcissism such as defines America &, in many instances, the visible church in America today. It goes without saying that a major contributor to this mindset in the past has been & remains today, secular, humanistic education & psychology now being fully implemented via the availability of multitudes of social media platforms (see “TikTok” note).
Scripture often personifies human gov’t & power by its reference to the “horse” – Ps 32:9; 33:17(16-17); 147:10; Pro 21:31; Amos 2:15. In every such reference the singular principle addressed is the reality of the inadequacy & futility of reliance on the horse for victory. To, in each of these passages, replace the word “horse” with whatever form of human gov’t you choose, be it “liberal”, “conservative”, socialistic, democratic, or republic, in no way perverts the meaning & intent of the Holy Spirit in His inspiring the writer. To the contrary, the whole point of these passages is to illuminate, via the example of the inadequacy of the “horse”, the utter foolishness & absurdity of reliance on any created human institution rather than loving, grateful, faithful, trusting reliance on & resting in God day by fresh new day – Ps 19:1-6,7-11; 119:9, 97-104(all); 118:24; Mt 6:33-34; Roms 13:1-10; I Thess 4:9- 12; I Tim 2:1-4; I Ptr 2:9-10,13-17; 3:13-17.
A classic example of such futility is how Congress (the “horse”) today (10/18/22) is obsessively pursuing the nation wide establishment of “mental health” clinics across the country as their solution (“We need to talk about mental health like we talk about any other disease.” – stated by retiring Republican senator from Missouri, Dean Blunt in 10/18/22 interview with Bret Baier). Here is yet another example of “the blind leading the blind” & Scripture clearly states the inherent, inevitable result – Lu 6: 39-40; Roms 1:18.
The truth is, God’s word, at 136 different references (NAS) to the mind, never speaks to the nature or condition of “the mind”. What it does speak to is the nature & condition of “the heart” which determines how & what the mind in turn thinks – Gen 6:5; Jer 17:9-10; Pro 4:14-15,16- 17,23-27; 23:7; II Cor 10:3-5; Phil 4:8.
Biblically there is no such thing as “mental illness”. “Mental illness” is the subjectively created, satanically inspired, diagnostic term conceived by humanistic, atheistic psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors & educators in their desperate attempt to somehow explain behavior that doesn’t fit in their flawed belief that “all men are basically good & when given the ‘right’ circumstance & opportunity they will do the ‘right’ thing”. Keep in mind that one of the foundational tenets of humanism is that there is no absolute. Everything is relative, which when applied to what is “right” here, “right” becomes whatever each individual chooses to believe, for himself, is right. This is narcissistic America today – II Tim 3:1-7.
In Judges 21:25, God’s word reveals this self deception to have been in the fabric of man’s sinfulness for a long time – Judges 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes”. The fact is the first manifestation of this depraved thinking was by Adam in the Garden – see Gen 3:1-6 (Jer 10:8-9; Roms 8:6-8; 3:10-18,23; 1:18).
Nowhere in Scripture is the mind ever said to be “more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick” (Jer 17:9). This is the Biblically stated condition of the heart, but never of the mind. The eternal truth of man’s depraved sinful heart, that is rejected by the “natural man” (I Cor 2: 14), is that humanities universal inherent problem is spiritual not mental & that if the spiritual need of man (Jn 3:1-8,16-18; Mk 1:15) is dealt with, then all the crime problems, all the educational problems, all the economic problems, all the family problems, etc. will cease to be problems by becoming opportunities for the faithful follower of Christ to prove, by practice/example (behavior/conduct/speech – Acts 26:20; Js 1:21-25; I Ptr 3:15-16), the love & faithfulness of God to all who love Him & obey Him – Mt 22:37-40; Roms 12:1-3,9-13, 14-21; 13:1-10; Ephs 4:29-32; I Ptr 2:9-10,13- 17; 3:13-17; I Jn 4:7-19. When God gives a man a new heart (Ezkl 36:25+; II Cor 5:17) of tender loving flesh for Him that man’s thinking is inherently, immutably, irrevocably changed from one of loving his sin & hating God (Roms 8:6-8) to loving God (Mt 22:37; Ps 119:9; Ezra 7:10) & hating his sin (Ps 101:3; 119:104; Roms 7: 21-8:2,31, 32-39; I Thess 1:9-10).