The Preeminent Evidence of Love Of & For God

Obedience – the preeminent, immutable unchanging, God ordained & declared singular evidence of true Iove for God:

“…..just as the Lord commanded…..”

Numbers (36):  1:19,54; 2:33-34; 3:16,42,51; 4:49; 8:3,20,22; 9:5; 15:23,36; 17:11; 19:2; 20: 9,27; 26:4; 27:11,22; 29:40; 30:1,16; 31:7,21,31, 41,47; 34:13,2@; 36:2,5,6,10,13

Deut (33):  1.3,18,19,41; 2:27; 4:5,13,14,23; 5:12,16,32,33; 6:1,17,20,24,25; 9:12,16; 10:5; 12:21; 13:5; 17:3; 18:20; 20:17; 26:13,14; 28:45; 29:1; 31:5,29; 34:9

Joshua (15):  1:9; 7:11; 8:27; 9:24; 10:40; 11:15,20;  13:6; 14:2,5; 17:4; 21:2,8; 22:2; 23:16

“……obey/obedience/you will keep My commandments/My word…..”

John (3):  3:36; 14:15,21,23; Acts 5:32; II Thess 1:8; 3:14; Hebs 5:9; I Ptr 1:1-2; Roms 1:5; 5:19; 15:18; 16:19,26; II Cor 9:13; 10:5; Philemon 1:21; I Ptr 1:22