The Priestly responsibility of Christian men, husbands, & father’s as established & commanded by God – Deut 11:18-21; Joel 1:3; Ephs 6:4; Col 3:21:
As the Priests of Israel regularly (daily), faithfully trimmed the wicks of the Golden Lampstand in the Holy place to keep the Holy Place brightly lighted, so does Moses in Deut 11:18-21 & Paul in Ephs 6:4; Col 3:17-21 establish clearly the God ordained/ commanded Priestly responsibility of every husband/ father to be faithful to daily, clearly teach & practically apply to the lives of those under their care, the gloriously bright Light & Truth of God’s Holy Word. Solomon records, in the Holy Spirits inspiration, a beautiful word picture of how this is to be done & what, in God’s blessing, that reality will produce/look like – Pro 24:3-4(Pro 1-2; 8-9).
Joel 1:3: “Tell your sons about it, and let your sons tell their sons, and their sons the next generation.” (“The pedagogical importance of reciting the Lord’s mighty acts to subsequent generations is heavily underscored by the threefold injunction (cf. Ex. 10:1–6; Deut. 4:9; 6:6–7; 11:19; 32:7; Ps. 78:5–7; 145:4–7; Prov. 4:1ff.” – excerpted from John MacArthur’s Study Bible notes)