God-ordained male leadership – the family first, then the church, then the community – Deut 11:18-21; I Tim 3:1-7(Ephs 5:25):
The factual reality of proper, God-ordained Biblical leadership in the family first & then in the church:
Biblical leadership is first & foremost, an individually commanded responsibility between the human, male Christian leader & God(individually/Ezra 7:10; as a husband/ Ephs 5:25); as a father/Deut 11:1-8-21; as an elder in the church/I Tim 3:1-7). There is no Biblical command/prerequisite for the woman’s/wife’s involvement/approval in the family nor in the church as related to leadership/shepherding.
The failure of the modern church to teach & disciple men accordingly & hold men accountable is one evidence of the evil of feminism’s subtle encroachment/subversion of the truth within the church, manifested by the volume of Christian men & women who view this leadership as being a corporate issue, meaning the wife’s approval is necessary for the husband to make any decision.
Why is virtually every Biblical command pertaining to spiritual leadership given to men & “young men”/“sons” (Ps 119:9,97-105; much of Pro; Ephs 6:4)? Because it is a singular responsibility(family), not a joint or corporate one(church).
This in no ways means that a loving, right thinking husband never informs his wife of decisions that need to be made & what his thinking is related to rightly making said decision. Nor does it mean he never seeks his wife’s thoughts/input on decisions. It is worthy of note at this point to call attention to the fact that there is never a Scriptural reference to seeking any input from children in decision making. To ignore/reject this fact is to contribute to creating, contrary to God’s order, a child centered home.
What it does mean is that, as a husband & father, he understands his God-ordained, God commanded responsibility to lead is his & his alone & his supreme objective should be to obey God so as to be faithful & pleasing to God, whether his wife, children, parents, in-laws, etc. understand or agree.
No place in Scripture where a man abdicates or acquiesces his leadership to accommodate a woman or his children did it ever result in anything but obvious disobedience of God’s clear order & the inherent discord, chaos, disaster, & judgement of God on them all -Adam, Lot, David, Solomon, Samson, Ananias – just to name a few.